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Q: Why was iron discovered before aluminum?
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Why did iron age occur before the aluminum age?

Because aluminum is an alloy which was discovered long after the iron age.

Why was iron used long before alluminium?

Iron was used for thousands of years before aluminum. While aluminum is more abundant, it is not as easy to work with as iron.

Who were the scientists who discovered iron?

Iron was discovered long before we had people who could be called scientists.

What year was aluminum discovered in?

1825 aluminum was discovered.

Who discovered the element iron-?

The use of iron dates back before recorded history. It is unknown who discovered iron.This answer is unknown due to the fact that the element was discovered before reliable records were created.It was been discoved for ancient times.

What are the pros and cons of iron vs aluminum cars?


Is aluminum foil iron?

Shut up....iron is an aluminum foil

Who was the first person to dicover Iron?

it was discovered before written history

How aluminum was named?

Aluminum got it's name from Alum which is a compound made from Aluminum. Alum has been used for thousands of years before it's other components were discovered.

What does recycling do to iron and aluminium?

Recycling iron and aluminum makes iron and aluminum or you're doing it wrong.

Is aluminum more durable then iron?

aluminum is more durable than iron.

What year was aluminum discovered?

Aluminum was discovered in 1825 by Hans Christian Oersted, Denmark