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Because the people back in the 60s couldn't access the bank the way they do today

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Q: Why was the ATM important in the 1960s?
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When was the ATM invented?

The late 1960s.. BTW :D CUPCAKE HED

Why is ATM important to the cells?

ATM is the chief power house of all cells.

How has ATM helped in Accounting system?

ATM helped in accounting system in various ways. But the most important that ATM helped to maintain the accounting records up-to-date.

What is the mechanism of ATM?

There are many mechanisms of an ATM machine. The most important mechanism is the money dispenser. The money dispenser is comprised of several mechanisms.

What was the political climate like in 1960?

In the 1950s and 1960s, the Cold War was an important issue in U.S. politics. The Civil Rights Movement and Johnson's Great Society were important in the 1960s.

Why is ATM Important to the bank?

ATM stands for Automatic Teller Machine. It is a device using which customers can withdraw cash from their account. The benefits of an ATM are: i. Easy and convenient access to money ii. Any time usage iii. No need to stand in bank queues Because of these benefits they are very important for banks to attract & retain customers

When and where was seafloor spreading discovereand why is it important?

It was proposed in the 1960s by Harry H. Hess.

Why was tie-dye important in the 1960s?

You could do it yourself and make a statement - or a mess

The was the most important stimulus for social change in the early 1960s?

The Supreme Court.

In the 1960s an important new country sound emerge from the city?

Bakersfield, California

Why are ABBA an important part of the 1960s?

Quality never goes out of style.

What was the important activist of the civil rights movement of the 1960s?

Martin Luther king Jr