

Why was the Chinese compass invented?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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12y ago

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So the Chinese wouldn't get lost. Also so they could tell if they were going north,west,east,or south

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Q: Why was the Chinese compass invented?
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What is an instrument invented by the Chinese to show direction?

The Magnetic Compass.

Which Chinese inventor invented the compass?

No one knows. All we know is that the Chinese and Europeans helped to make the Chinese compass.

Was the compass invented because of christopher Columbus's discovery and exploration of America?

No, the compass was invented earlier, in ancient China, long before Christopher Columbus's voyages to the Americas. It was used for navigation by various cultures around the world, not just by Columbus.

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A compass was invented by the Chinese and was very useful to the sailors.

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What did the Chinese invent to safely guide their fishermen and explorers?

The Chinese invented the Compass.

When was the Chinese magnetic compass invented or made?

To invent something you have to make it. It was invented.

Which Chinese invention revolutionized maritime navigation?

The compass. The ancient Chinese invented the compass and revolutionized maritime (ocean / water) navigation.

Who invented the first compass?

First CompassThe Chinese invented the magnetic compass. Use the link below for more information.thats right

Is an instrument invented by the Chinese to show direction?

The Magnetic Compass.

What did the Chinese invent that helped them on their explorations?

The Chinese invented the compass during the Han Dynasty. A compass is used to locate cardinal and intermediate directions.

What are some Chinese achievements?

They invented the first compass! They also invented gunpowder (boom!)