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8y ago

The trail was one of three routes used by wagon trains for going to Oregon and California.

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Q: Why was the Oregon trail important to westward expansion?
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What routes were taken in the westward expansion?

I don't think he/she is talking about the way of travel but the actuall route, such as Oregon trail

What happened in the 1840s?

The Westward Expansion. Many people moved to California and Oregon for 2 reasons: 1. Gold Rush 2. Oregon Trail

What was the Oregon trail all about?

The Oregon Trail was a way for migrants to go westward to receive land (cheap land, courtesy of the government, called the Homestead Act.) The journey on the Oregon Trail was made on covered wagons during the Westward Expansion time period. The Oregon Trail was only one of many trails to the Western United States.

What were the major trails to travel westward?

oregon trail and california trail

What are the two overland trails used in westward expansion?

The Oregon Trail and the Northwest Passage.

What is a sentence about the Oregon trail?

The Oregon Trail was a route used in the U.S. westward migration time period from 1840 to 1860. It started in Missouri and ended in Oregon. (About 2000 miles long)

What was the most popular route for Westward migration in the 1840s and 1850s?

i think it the Oregon trail

Who are the people that traveled westward on the Oregon trail to escape persecution in the east?

mormons I believe..


Group that migrated westward along the Oregon Trail who wanted to escape persecution

How long did the westward expansion take?

Approximately 1 year (on the trail of tears).

What other trails were used besides the Oregon trail to travel westward?

The trails used are the: California trail, Sante Fi Trail, Old Spanish Trail, Mormon Trail, and the Southern Emigrant Trail.

Where can you play Oregon trail online for free without downloading it?

You can play Oregon Trail online only if you can install a disk that you need. If you do not have the disk or the parts needed then you cannot play Oregon Trail online. If you would like to play Oregon Trail on your computer then you have to buy the game disk. That is how you can play Oregon Trail. For Further information about Oregon Trail you can E-mail me at Thank You