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It was the name of the building where significant events took place.

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Q: Why was the scandal that led to President Nixon's resignation called Watergate?
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President Richard Nixons Watergate Scandal

What was the esult of the waergate scandal on Richard Nixons presidency?

Nixon had to resign the presidency and Ford became president.

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President Nixons daughter married President Nixons daughter married

Who was president Nixons wife?

Patricia Nixon

Why do you think Ford made this speech immediately after gaining the presidency?

Nixons scandal shook the publics trust in government .

How did the anti war movement affect president Nixons decisions to remove troops from Vietnam and end the war peacefully?

The only affect the anti-war movement had on Nixon was the Watergate Scandal. The anti-war people were his enemy, and that's when he needed information (intelligence) about them; which of course led to Watergate. Ending the war peacefully? Nixon unleashed the most powerful and massive aerial bombing campaign in the history of warfare (excluding the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki in 1945). B-52 Stratofortress's did Nixon's talking!

President Nixons staff was known for their?

unswerving loyalty and support

What is Nixons first name?

What was Richard Nixon presidential salary?

what was richard nixons salary as president

What is president Nixons middle name?

Which of president Gerald Ford's actions helped restore confidence in the government?

he continued richard nixons foreign policy