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Q: Why was there a labor surplus in the US?
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It didn't, food surplus led to irrigation, division of labor, writing, trade

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Marx referred to the difference between what workers produce and what they are paid as "surplus value." This surplus value is captured by the capitalist as profit, leading to exploitation of the workers according to Marx's theory of surplus labor.

When did the US surplus in international trade?

The United States' surplus in international trade ended in 1983.

When did the US surplus in international end?

The United States' surplus in international trade ended in 1983.

What has the author Emmett Earl Wright written?

Emmett Earl Wright has written: 'Arkansas labor surplus estimates' -- subject(s): Labor supply

Did the US have a federal deficit or surplus in 1998?

The United States had a federal surplus in 1998. There was a surplus until 2001, but after 2001, the country has had a national deficit.

When did US surplus in international trade end?

The United States' surplus in international trade ended in 1983.

When did the US surplus in international trade end?

The United States' surplus in international trade ended in 1983.

How did a surplus effect sumer?

gave them more jobs but i know this is not very helpful