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The experiment that Mendel performed on pea plants could be performed on other plants also. But by profession Mendel was not a scientist; he worked on this subject merely because he was much interested and curious about it.

There were many reasons for him to select pea plants for his experiments. Some of the reasons are:

  1. Pea (Pisum sativum) was readily available for him.
  2. Peas have many varieties and could be used to check the phenomenon of genetic variations in a number of factors.
  3. Peas are bisexual in nature. This made cross-breeding easy.
  4. Peas are annual plants and thus the results obtained were quick.
  5. Peas require lesser span of the land for growth, so many plants could be analyzed in a small garden.
  6. Since Mendel was doing such an experiment for the first time, we can also say that pea plants are good to look at and can be grown in gardens also.

Any plant providing all these factors can be used for the experiment.

Mendel worked on seven pairs of contrasting characters and fortunately those characters were present separately on seven pairs of homologous chromosomes in pea plant. This situation is not easy to obtain in other plants.

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True breeding plants were homozygous for all the characters expressed, hence inheritance of characters was better understood with the help of these plants.

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Q: Why were purebred peas important for Mendel's experiments?
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Where does the term purebreeding come from?

Gregor Mendel used the term "purebred" in his experiments on the genetics of peas to describe the homozygous nature of the peas for a particular trait, e.g. roundness or wrinkledness.

What do gregor mendels peas have to do with the study of heredity?

The peas had passed traits down like red or white and short or tall.

Why was it important to Mendels work that peas were true breeding?

because it helped Mendel discover which plants would be crossed to produce offspring.

What was Gregor Mendels main experiments?

Gregor Mendel conducted experiments on pea plants to study the patterns of inheritance of traits. He crossed peas with different traits, like round vs. wrinkled seeds or yellow vs. green seeds, and carefully analyzed the offspring to understand how traits are passed from one generation to the next. Mendel's work laid the foundation for the field of genetics.

If you cross a purebred smooth pea with a purebred wrinkled pea what percentage of the first generation will be smooth peas?

All the first-generation offspring will be smooth peas, as the smooth trait is dominant over the wrinkled trait in peas. This is known as a monohybrid cross involving one gene with two alleles.

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What did gregor mendels peas have to do with the study of heredity?

Gregor Mendel's experiments with pea plants were significant because they helped establish the principles of inheritance, known as Mendelian genetics. His work showed how specific traits are passed down from parent to offspring in a predictable manner. Mendel's peas were ideal for these studies due to their easily observable traits and ability to self-fertilize.

What did Mendel's experiments on peas provide?

Evidence that characteristics are passed in predictable ratios

Who was gregor Mendel and what experimants is he famous for?

He is the father of genetics. He is famous for his experiments with peas.

What has the author Paul J White written?

Paul J. White has written: 'Experiments with field peas and soy beans' -- subject(s): Peas, Soybean

Describe gregor Mendels work and the results he obtained from crossing garden peas?

Gregor Mendel's work involved breeding garden peas to study inheritance patterns. He discovered the principles of genetic inheritance, including dominant and recessive traits, through his experiments. Mendel's results showed that certain traits are passed down in predictable ratios from one generation to the next.

What were gregor Mendel's experiments and the results?

He tested on garden peas and pisums. He was very successful in his studies.