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For the first two, more or less by definition:

"Scalawag" was a term of opprobrium used for Southern Republicans, or those who supported Reconstruction (who might or might not officially be Republican).

"Carpetbaggers" had a couple of meanings. One of them was (Republican) political appointees from the North traveling to the South after the civil war to oversee Reconstruction. It was also used to mean more generically any "Yankee" who came to the South for whatever reason during Reconstruction.

Basically, if you were a Republican in the south, you were either a Scalawag (if you and/or your family had been there a long time) or a Carpetbagger (if you had recently arrived).

Most freed slaves regarded the Republicans as the party who had freed them (Lincoln was a Republican) and the Democrats as the party who had tried to keep them slaves (and, having failed in that, was working hard to deny them their civil rights). It's not terribly surprising that many of them became Republicans.

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