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The Conquistadors wore better armor than the Inca and Aztec. Also the Conquistadors rode horses which neither the Inca or Aztec had seen before, so that added a psychological advantage to the Conquistadors. In addition to that, the Conquistadors had gunpowder.

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Q: Why were the conquistadors able to defeat the Inca and Aztec?
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What were two reasons the conquistadors were able to conquer the Aztec's and the Inca's?

because of a dieses they did not have a cure for

Why were the spanish able to defeat the Aztec and Inca?

they were able to defeat the inca and the aztec because the spanish had more tecnology such as great guns and they were skilled horse riders. plus they had diseases that wiped out most of them.

One reason the Spanish conquistadors were able to conquer the Aztec and Inca Empires rapidly is that?

The Spanish soldiers made effective use of their military technology against the Aztecs.

Why were a few Spanish conquistadors able to defeat the larger armies of the Aztec and Incas?

some Native Americas sided with the spainsh against the Aztecs the Incas

How did the Spanish defeat the Inca?

The Spanish were able to defeat the Inca because of there new weapons and their support from Inca rivals.

Why was Cortes able to defeat the Aztecs?

Because he threw their weakness at them - potato palm tree leaves.He had a Bigger army than the Aztec Inca tribes combined!

What group of europeans disovered the Aztec empire?

The Spanish conquistadors, led by Hernan Cortes, were the Europeans who discovered and ultimately conquered the Aztec empire in the early 16th century. They arrived in present-day Mexico in 1519 and with superior weaponry, tactics, and diseases, they were able to defeat the Aztec civilization.

Why were the conquistadors were able to conquer the Aztec and Inca Empires?

They were much stronger. The Aztecs, at first, thought the arriving Spaniards were "people of Heaven". However, after the Spanish leader Cortes murdered their king and started looting all the wealth, primarily gold. Despite the Aztec's sophisticated society, they were no match for the conquistadors. Along with the Spanish conquistadors "conquerors" came missionaries, in an attempt to convert the Aztecs. Not long after the the Spanish arrived, the Aztec population was reduced to 10%. Simply put, the Aztecs were no match for the Spanish.

What happened to the Aztec and the Inca empires?

Both the Inca and the Aztecs were defeated by the Spanish. Horses and guns were able to defeat spears and arrows. The Spanish took the gold, silver, and jewels back to Spain and then forced the natives to farm for them. The Spanish also converted the natives to Christianity.

What happened when Spanish Conquistadors attacked the Aztec capital in 1521?

In 1521, the Spanish Conquistadors conquered Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital. As soon as the Spaniards attacked with their Amerindian allies, most importantly the Tlaxcala who donated thousands of soldiers to effort, they were able to overrun the city.

Why were the spanish able to defeat the Aztec?

The Spanish had horses and guns while the Aztecs still used swards and did not use domesticated animals, but the reason they were able to defeat the Aztec was because the Aztecs suffered many deaths from disease.

How were the spanish able to conquer the Aztec empire and the Inca empire?

Cortez was thought to be a returned emperor from the Aztec past that promised to come back one day and return to his thrown. With this belief the Aztecs didn't put up as much of a fight as they otherwise would have. Cortez also received support from other neighboring tribes. Later Conquistadors defeated the Inca by tricking their emperor into a special banquet where they ambushed him. After the ambush the other Inca having seen their leader seized actually gave up the fight. They used the emperor by making him give orders to his people.