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Q: Why were the representatives of the Third Estate disappointed with the pattern of voting in the Estate General?
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This was formed in France in 1789 by representatives of the Third Estate after seceding from the Estates General?

National Assembly

What were the 3 estate in France for what did they stand?

The First Estate was the clergy. The Second Estate was the nobility. The Third Estate was basically everyone else in France, but its representatives in the Estates General were typically wealthy members from the commercial and professional middle classes.

What was the french revolution national assembley called?

The National Assembly was the self-proclaimed government during the early days of the Revolution. They were the representatives of the Third Estate (meaning everybody in the population who wasn't noble or clergy) who went to attend the calling of the Estates General by King Louis XVI. The Third Estate's representatives had high hopes for the Estates General meeting, such as fair representation with the clergy and nobles, but they were disappointed. When Louis XVI stopped the meeting altogether, the Third Estate's representatives met in a nearby tennis court and proclaimed themselves the National Assembly of France. The National Assembly was the functioning government body during the first part of the Revolution. They were the ones who issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.

What is a estate general?

it was the first meeting since 1614 of the french Estate General, a general assembly representing the french estate of realm.

How was national assembly formed?

The National Assembly was formed by the representatives of the Third Estate of the Estates General. After the French Revolution the National Assembly became known as the National Constituent Assembly.

Why was the estate general held?

the estate-general was held to discuss the high taxes in France.

Was the third estate the middle class?

Yes and no. The representatives of the Third Estate were middle class, but the Thirtd Estate itself was everyb ody who wasn't noble or a priest.

What is estat general?

it was the first meeting since 1614 of the french Estate General, a general assembly representing the french estate of realm.

What is national assemble?

The national assembly was a revolutionary assembly created by the representatives of the Third Estate of the Estates-General. The group was created to help deal with France's financial crisis during the French Revolution.

What social class were bourgeoisie people considered?

During the French revolution, the bourgeoisie represented the 3rd estate of the Estates General. The 1st one was the Clergy (the church and all its representatives) and the 2nd was the nobility.

How many votes did each estate have in Estate General?


What step to democracy was the meeting of the estates general?

The Monarchy conceded that the number of representatives from the Third Estate should be increased because of the population disparity,