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Q: Why were the roman able to expand their control of Italy?
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as the holy roman empire furthered itself, the ambitions of German emperors became greater. However they had so much ambition, but were not successful because the pope 3wanted to gain power over them.

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United Italy did not control European Trade with Asia, the Most Serene Republic of Venice (now a part of Italy) controlled the European Spice Trade. The Venetians were able to do this since they had done business with Muslims for centuries, they had a special relationship. In addition to that, the Venetians used their powerful navy to control the trade on the Mediterranean and did not allow other Europeans to take part in it.

How were German groups able to cross into gaul in ad 406?

The Germanic groups crossed the River Rhine (the boundary of the empire) when it was frozen. The Roman had weakened this frontier because they needed to redeploy their troops in this area to Italy to fend off an invasion of Italy by an Ostrogoth king.

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it had a strong stable government.

Why did contantine move the capital of the roman empire?

The Roman Empire, in a pre-mechanical transport age, was to vast to control from Rome, and the east was a more stable and defensible centre of power, given the westward movement of the Eurasian peoples, who he was better able to intercept and control from his location in the east.

Why was Rome so Strong and powerful?

The main reason for the Roman empire being so powerful was their army. Because of the strong military Rome was able to expand. By this expansion Rome was able to enlist more men into the army and to expand further. The more they expanded, the more powerful they became.

How were Germanic groups able to cross into Gaul in 406?

The Germanic groups crossed the River Rhine (the boundary of the empire) when it was frozen. The Roman had weakened this frontier because they needed to redeploy their troops in this area to Italy to fend off an invasion of Italy by an Ostrogoth king.

What was the unique accomplishment of Hannibal army during the Second Punic War?

It was able to defeat the Roman armies on each occasion in Italy for a dozen years until withdrawn to defend Carthage.

What geographic features helped shihuangdi win control of the win region?

Its actually mountains and deserts. That's the right answer.