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Q: Why will a metal detector pick up obsidian?
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Will a metal detector pick up on lead ore?

Yes, so a metal detector simply pick on lead ore. I guess that that's just the way it is

Will a belly bar set off a metal detector?

no it wont it is too small for the metal detector to pick up . I've gone through many of them with my belly bar

How are coins found using a metal detector?

Coins are found by the detector sending a pulse which picks up metal signals. Now there are two types a low frequency and a pulse indicator, the low frequency is used to pick up deeper objects

Up to what depth can a Bounty Hunter BHJS Junior Metal Detector indicate the presence of a metal object?

The depth a Bounty Hunter BHJS Junior Metal Detector can indicate presence of metal is similar to that of a professional metal detector. It can find coins up to 5 inches deep and some larger objects up to 3 feet deep.

How do I tell what type of metal my metal detector is responding to?

Metal detectors are different and my main advice would be to look into the manual of the metal detector you purchased. Sometimes there are settings where you can configure your detector to only respond to certain metal characteristics. If you got a really basic metal detector one of the prime methods is to simply investigate by digging up the object in question.

Where do you get the metal detector in the boardwalk diary of the wimpy kid in poptropica?

Get the keychain from the seagull near the man with the metal detectorthen go up to your inventory and click use and he will give you the metal detector

In binweevils how do you get in the pyramid?

Put the battery in the metal detector and then atatch the stick to the cranck click on it get the metal detector and look and wait for a beep and then dig it up with the spade

Will using the Hand Held Meter Detector Security Check Metal Detector make it safe to dig?

You should always check for pipes by hand, many pipes are PVC and will not show up on a metal detector.

What detector is used to pick up the x-rays in hospitals?

photographic film

How do you find a niddle in a hay stack?

well first u need a metal detectorthen u need thick glovesnow u turn on metal detector and surch stack till find the needlewith the gloves on pick up the needle

What metal can a magnet pick up?

it can pick up mild steel metal and that's all i know sorry.

Where can you buy obsidian on HorseIsle?

Obsidian can be purchased from any rock shop, especially on Lava Isle. However, you can find it anywhere on the ground on Lava Isle and pick it up for free.