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Because the Wind is not always blowing. Wind is off and on, we need power that we know will be there when we need it such as coal. But Wind Power is still great and it is "green."

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Q: Why wont wind energy be able to meet the energy needs?
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Why is the wind an energy source with limited uses?

A disadvantage of wind energy is that only a few places on Earth have enough wind to meet our energy needs.

What alternative sources of energy can help meet your energy needs?

Any of the renewable energy sources (solar, wind, water, hydro, tidal and wave, geothermal, ocean thermal, biomass, biofuel and hydrogen) will help meet your energy needs. Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are limited as well as polluting.

Why can wind energy not be depended on as the only source of electricity?

Wind energy is variable and intermittent, depending on weather conditions, which can be unpredictable. This unpredictability means that wind energy alone may not always provide a constant and reliable source of electricity. Additionally, wind turbines require significant land and initial investment, making it challenging to scale up to meet all energy needs.

Why can't wind energy be used to meet all of the world's energy needs?

Wind energy is variable and intermittent, depending on weather conditions. This can lead to challenges in matching supply with demand, especially during periods of low wind. Additionally, wind turbines require large land areas and may face opposition in densely populated areas.

How do most producers meet their energy needs?

Most producers meet their energy needs through a combination of energy sources such as electricity from the grid, renewable energy sources like solar or wind power, and generators powered by fossil fuels. They may also focus on energy efficiency measures to reduce their overall energy consumption.

Where does the wind get its energy?

Rises and drops in pressure and when differing pressures meet

Why is wind a useful energy?

Wind is a useful energy source because it is renewable, abundant, and does not produce greenhouse gas emissions when used to generate electricity. Wind turbines can be installed on land or offshore to harness the power of the wind and convert it into clean electricity that can help meet our energy needs.

Good things about wind energy?

Wind energy is a renewable and clean source of energy that does not produce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. It is abundant and widely available, reducing the dependence on finite fossil fuels. Wind turbines can be built on land or offshore, providing flexibility in location and scalability in size to meet the energy needs of different communities.

Why is the wind's energy able to move objects?

Because of friction. The kinetic energy in the wind pushes against the particles of the object.

Renewable energy sources currently being used considered to be unable to meet your total energy needs?

While renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower are growing rapidly, they may not be able to meet all energy needs due to intermittency issues and energy storage limitations. To address this challenge, a mix of renewable energy sources, energy storage solutions, and improved grid infrastructure will be necessary to ensure a reliable and sustainable energy supply. Continued advancements in technology and supportive policies are essential for expanding the role of renewables in meeting global energy demands.

What kind of stuff like wind mills need wind?

Wind mills require a steady flow of wind to generate electricity. The blades of the windmill turn and rotate a generator, converting the wind energy into electrical power. Without wind, the windmill would not be able to operate and produce electricity.

One problem with wind energy as a major source of electricity is?

its intermittency, as wind turbines produce energy only when the wind is blowing. This can make it challenging to ensure a consistent supply of electricity to meet demand.