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Q: Why would a child with Bipolar disorder stab someone?
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Can someone with bipolar disorder receiving disability get a handicapped parking card?

Bipolar disorder, by itself, would not qualify a person for a handicapped parking card; handicapped spaces are reserved for people who have physical disabilities that make walking difficult or impossible.It is possible for someone to have bipolar disorder and a qualifying physical medical condition, however, in which case they may receive a parking card if a doctor recommends one.

How are bipolar tests performed?

A bipolar disorder test is an examination done by a psychiatrist in order to make the diagnosis. The test primarily consists of questions for the patient. Their answers are usually enough to detect a bipolar disorder.

Can bipolar 2 turn into bipolar 1?

Yes. If left untreated, bipolar 2 can easily turn into bipolar 1 or possibly even rapid cycling bipolar disorder. (Second User) Yes, even with treatment (although it is much less likely in such a case) bipolar two disorder can become bipolar one disorder. This would happen when the hypomanic episodes of Bipolar 2 become more severe and harmful manic episodes. This change has been known to most often happen after somebody has had the disorder for some time. To clarify the first answer: Rapid cycling can occur in any type of bipolar disorder. It is not really its own type of bipolar disorder, rather, it is a condition that can occur with a bipolar disorder. It refers to a person who experiences four or more bipolar mood swings in a year. This can also develop over time or be a part of the disorder from the start.

What if someone is misdiagnosed with Bipolar disorder- are there negative effects of a non bipolar person taking bipolar medications?

That all depends on the medication. Different medicines used to treat bipolar are often used for many other purposes. Tegretol, for example, is sometimes prescribed for bipolar but is also used to treat certain kinds of headaches. Seroquel, as another popular example, is often used for sleep or for depression.

Why do they label bipolar as a mental disorder?

Because Bipolar is a mental disorder. What else would they label it

What if you think you have bipolar disorder but only experience some of the symptoms are you still bipolar?

It would be necessary to see a mental health professional to get an accurate diagnosis. There are several subcategories of bipolar disorder, each with differing degrees of severity. Some symptoms of bipolar disorder are also found in other mental illnesses.

Are there limits on life insurance for someone with bipolar disorder?

Yes. You are limited in the amount of insurance companies that would consider issuing you a policy. I can help. 4LifeGuild

What are the poles in bipolar disorder?

Manic and Depressive. Manic is extreme happiness or hyperness while depressive is well.. depression. Bipolar is like a meter there are highs, lows, and middle. For Bipolar Disorder the high would be Manic Phase, the Low would be Depression Phase and the middle would be Neutral

Where can one find information on bipolar disorder symptoms?

There are a wide range of sites that provide information regarding medical conditions such as bipolar disorder symptoms. The most trusted sites for information regarding the symptoms of bipolar disorder would be medical sites such as the Mayo Clinic site and the WebMD site.

Where can one find sources that define bipolar disorder?

There are many websites devoted to bipolar disorder. A good starting place (in the UK) would be the Mind website, and for young people the Young Minds site which both have comprehensive coverage of this disorder.

Should a child tell their parent their fiance's bipolar disorder is wrecking her home and it breaks their heart to see what its doing to there family?

Without proper psychological help a person with bipolar disorder can cause heartache and it would be a good idea to tell the parents and wait to get married while their fiance gets help and take the relationship slow and easy.

What medications would you take if you have bipolar disorder?

It would probably be a combination of "The Big Three" which would be an antimanic, an antiseizure, and an antipsychotic.