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why does a males belly button bleed

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From a sneaky navel engagement.

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Q: Why would someones belly button bleed unexcpectedly?
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What piersing hurts the most?

The belly button because you can bleed eaternally

Is it bad if you bleed from your belly button?

Your navel, aka your belly button, should not hurt. You should see a doctor.

Is it dangerous to scratch your belly button?

Yes. You could get a scratch in your belly button. Your belly button could get infected. Your belly button could bleed. If your belly button get infected you have to clean it with hydrogen peroxide rubbing alcohol iodine or antiseptic cream. If it doesn't heal after a week you have to see a doctor at the clinic or hospital.

Can your belly button bleed?

if you poke it with something sharp enough.....try it and see for yourself!

Is it natural for your belly button to bleed for a while after you've had it pierced?

No I got mine done 4 days ago and it hasn't bled at all.

Is it normal for your belly button to bleed a few days after piercing?

yes Id say no because when i got mine pierced it didnt bleed at all. you just have to clean it daily with soap and water and dont mess around with it because if you do it will get infected and maybe bleed then

Did Michael Jackson have a belly button when he died?

Michael Jackson probably did not bleed when he died from a drug overdose given to him by his doctor- Conrad Murrey. However, when other doctors where trying to revive him, he may have been given injections that could have made him bleed a bit.

How hard do you hit someones head for it to bleed?

2 newtons of force

Why would you bleed out from your eyes when you die?

That depends on how you die. When the aorta bursts, one way to die, the pressure is so hard that blood comes out of every orifice including the belly button.

Can a navel piercing cause bloating?

Yes. There are several veins running underneath the surface of your belly button, so there should be blood. I am pretty sure that you need to clean it daily or else it could get infected and swell up and bleed. Just don't pierce your belly button.

Why does your belly button bleed when you run?

I think you should have that checked out. It could be that you just scratched and then sweat and then it bleeds but you have the aorta on the other side there so if it bleeds you should check that out. When you run you tense the stomach and it shouldn't bleed just because of that. That entrance to the body should be closed.