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There are many drugs that are useful in fighting a specific disease, yet have side effects such as causing an immunodeficiency. Cancer drugs are a good example of these sorts of drugs. Sometimes a patient must choose the lesser of two evils...

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Q: Why would a person take medication that causes immune deficiency?
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What is the medical name for HIV and AIDS?

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes AIDS. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a condition that develops as a result of HIV infection. AIDS is diagnosed based on how well a person's immune system is functioning after HIV infection.

What does aides stand for?

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Why is AIDS considered a disease of the immunity system?

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - it weakens the bodies immune system, leaving the person incapable of fighting diseases.

What is the definition for innate immune deficiency?

when a person is born with an immune system that doesn't function, the body is unable to fight and survive infections by pathogens that don't cause any problems for a robust immune system.

What is the opposite of immunodeficiency.?

Immuno-efficiency? LOL The prefix "immuno" refers to a person's immune system. "Deficiency" means "lacking". The opposite of a lacking immune system would be one that is working exceedingly well.

What is plasma used for after a person donates plasma?

Plasma is used to make therapies that treat conditions like hemophila, immune deficiency, traumatic injuries, and more.

What is immunocopromised?

Immunocompromised means that the immune system is not working up to par. The immune system doesn't do well due to the person's genetics, an immune disorder, or if they have HIV/AIDS. These all can be minimized through the help of medication, dietary and lifestyle changes.

How is HIV/AIDS caused?

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is transmitted by contact with infected body fluid (blood, semen, vaginal fluid or breast milk.) HIV uses cells associated with immune function to replicate, rendering the cells ineffective at fighting disease. HIV is the virus that causes a person to develop AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.) AIDS is a diagnosis that is given to an HIV+ person when their immune function has reached a critically low point. After prolonged infection with HIV, a person is notably less able to fight infections.

Why is a person with AIDS less able to combat infections than a person who does not have AIDS?

HIV= human immune virus AIDS= Aquired immune deficiency syndrome Your defence forces have been destroyed. You are a sitting duck. People with Aids and HIV are also unable to fight infections because there immune system is weak.

A person with HIV infection gets diseases a healthy person would not get?

HIV effects the cells associated with immune function. Over time, a person with HIV may experience an inability to recover from infections due to decreased immune function. Once an individual has reached a certain degree of immune deficiency, they are susceptible to what is known as "opportunistic infections." Opportunistic Infections are diseases that people with normal immune function are not at risk of being infected by. Opportunistic infections are found in patients who suffer from a variety of disorders associated with immune function.

What makes immune deficiency disorder so dangerous?

Immune deficiency disorder makes individuals more susceptible to infections because their immune system is not functioning properly. This can lead to frequent infections that are more severe and harder to treat, posing a risk for serious complications and even life-threatening conditions. Additionally, immune deficiency disorder can weaken the body's ability to fight off illnesses, making it harder to recover from infections.

If a person has recovered from jaundice is smoking causes again jaundice?

no but it hampers ur jaundice ur immune gets reduced & smoking further decrease ur immune