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The economy would be producing inside it PPF as there would be lesser demand of the goods than the potential supply of the economy hence, in such situation it would be a waste of resources to produce more. The concept of demand management is important here where the demand can be manipulated using the fiscal and monetary policy.

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Q: Why would an economy be producing at a point inside its Production Possibilities Frontier?
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What line that shows different production possibilities for an economy?

production possibilities frontier

An economy at its production possibilities frontier is operating?

At full potential.

An economy working below its most efficient production levels?

An economy working below its most efficient production levels points inside the production possibilities frontier. This is in the context of a production possibilities curve.

If the economy is producing on the production possibilities curve?

At Full Potential

How does a production possibilities curve illustrate how efficient an economy is?

A production possibilities curve illustrates how efficient an economy is by indicating the possibly opportunities in the economy. This will also illustrate the relevant costs entailed in the production.

Is Production possibilities graphs reveal how efficient an economy is?

No, by itself it just shows the production possibilities but provides no information on what the economy is actually doing.

What is a production possibilities graph?

production possibilities graph is a graph that shows alternative ways to use an economy's resources.

Does unemployment move outside the production possibilities frontier?

The production possibilities frontier is a curve illustrating the various ratios of goods that can be produced by a nation when that nations economy is at maximum productivity, using all resources (including labor). To be at maximum productivity there must be full employment. When there is not full employment (unemployment) the country cannot be on it's PPF, let alone beyond it. The nations economy is represented by a point within, or under, the curve.

Any intersection of points outside the frontier line on a production possibilities graph would show that the economy is?

Depends on what the graph will display for us to really gather a correct answer. The reason behind it is because there are a lot of topics that have to do about the economy.

The negative slope of the production possibilities curve illustrates that?

when resources are fully employed, an economy can produce more of one thing only by producing less of something else

The negative slope of the production possibilities curve illustrates?

when resources are fully employed, an economy can produce more of one thing only by producing less of something else

Would the production possibility frontier look different in a command economy?

The production-possibility frontier would not look different in a command economy compared to a market economy because the PPF equate the rates of production between two goods which both use equal factors of production.