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Q: Why would hairspray kill a rose?
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Can hairspray kill your brain cells?

yes hairspray does kill brain sells

Will hairspray kill a yellow jacket?

Chemically, no. But if the spray blocks the yellow jacket's spiracles (breathing holes) it would eventually die.There is the old joke about using hairspray on flies doesn't kill them, but turns flies into gliders...

Can chugging hairspray kill you?

Yes. Hairspray, along with a lot of other beauty products, is extremely toxic and drinking it would kill you withen a very short period of time varying on things like body weight and height.

Can you preserve flowers by using hair spray?

I don't think so i actually would think that hairspray would kill the flower and dry it out

What is the lethal dose of hairspray?

Alcoholics have been known to drink hairspray because of its alcohol content. The lethal dose would vary by individual, so even a sip could kill you if you have an adverse reaction.

Can you use hairspray to kill bees?

Oh, please, no! Hairspray doesn't directly kill insects. It just makes it difficult for them to fly. It may also block their trachaea so they gradually suffocate.

Can drinking hairspray kill you?

no it can not my cousins had whole cans not dead so yeah

If you spray hairspray in your eyes would they turn a different color?

probably not but it would hurt. Anyway WHY on earth would you WANT to spray hairspray into your eyes?

Does hair spray kill bed bugs?

No, hairspray is just a spray varnish. You need an insecticide to kill bedbugs.

Does hairspray kill bees?

Yes,it will kill bees,but before it takes effect if you spray them they might attack so it's best not to

What kills lice on furniture?

There are many things that could be used to kill lice on furniture. You could use hairspray for example to kill lice.

Is hairspray harmful?

This depends on the type of hairspray and use. For example, if you spray a bottle of hairspray into one's eyes it would certainly be harmful. If you get a little hairspray on your finger and then lick it later, you probably won't die. Most hairspray bottles have safety information as well as directions on the bottle, so reading this is your best bet.