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Q: Why would it be bad if a nerve gas is released at an underground station?
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i think you would get of at white city

How do you find Speeding Spike in Poptropica?

You would find him down in the subway/train station underground.

Where would you find the Gherkin?

30 St Mary Axe (The Gherkin) is in the financial district of the City of London, near Aldgate underground station.

Relative to the practice of slavery what was the underground railroad?

The underground railroad was neither a railroad nor was it underground. It used terminology from the railroad. A house where runaway slaves were welcome was called a "station." Sometimes word spread among slaves where to find a station. In the novel, Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, the runaway slave, Jim, knew of one such place in Cairo, Illinois. A slave might need to travel from one slave cabin to another slave cabin for a few days until he could find a station. At a station, he or she would find a conductor. The conductor would provide safe passage to the next station. That passage might be in a wagon underneath a load of hay. Or, they might be hidden in some other way. At the next station, they would be fed and there they would sleep and perhaps spend a day or two until another conductor took them to the next station. That continued until they reached their destination.

Why would you be be rought to a police station questioned then released?

Because you're a witness?

A starting place for students is the cryptic clue for which underground station in London?

After the recent news that student grants are to be reduced and fees increased, I would assume Bank!

What is the Underground Railroad in 7t grade version?

The Underground Railroad is a series of above ground escape routes to help slaves escape to freedom. A slave would go to one house called a station and hide in a celler, attic etc. for the day. Then during the night slaves would ride by carriage, wagon, train or boat until they got to the next station. They did this until they reached freedom.

How do you get to the city center of London from Heathrow airport?

Once you arrive I would take the London Underground. The Piccadilly line runs from all Heathrow terminals to the centre of London. Get a Tube Map from an Underground station, then you can find your way anywhere.

What is the nearest railway station to the Ritz in London?

If you mean Underground station, then Green Park is a couple of hundred yards away. If you are talking about a London rail terminus, then it would all depend on the direction from which you are travelling. From the west, it's Paddington, north it would be Euston, south, then it's Charing Cross.

How to travel from Waltham Cross to Hammersmith in London?

You would need to get a train from Waltham Cross station and head towards Liverpool Street station.From Liverpool Street station, head to the underground and look for the Hammersmith & City Line.Or get the 217 bus from Waltham Cross bus station and head to Turnpike Lane underground station. From here you can access the Piccadilly Line which will take you to Hammersmith on the Piccadilly Line.Roughly either of these journeys will take approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes, according to the Transport For London ( tfl ) website.

How far is it from Glasgow central trin station to Glasgow Buchanan bus station?

You could walk but it would take half an hour tops and if your not familiar with the city you will probably get lost. Nearest the main Glasgow Uni building there is Hillhead underground on Byres Road. If you take the underground to Bucanan Street station it is a 5 min walk to Central. I wouldn't mess about with buses if you don't know Glasgow.

Which nerve would be found in the retina of the eye?

The optic nerve.