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Helium is unreactive as it has a completely filled outer (valence) shell. Its electronic configuration is 1s2. The ouer shell of the next heaviest noble gas neon is also full, and its electronic configuration is 1s2 2s22p6. However the heavier elements in the group Argon, Krypton, Xenon have the same ns2 , np6 octet as Neon which imparts considerable stability but means that the outer valence shell is not complete and as a consequence these elements have compounds, albeit highly reactive ones.

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12y ago

Hydrogen is extremely reactive, possessing only 1 valence electron in the S orbital. This allowed for both the gain and loss of a single electron, as the S orbital contains only two. This allows hydrogen to bond with various elements in a unique way, and also allows it to form the unique bonds which support life.

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11y ago

Because both have completely filled valence orbitals and are hence stable.

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Helium has completely filled valence orbitals, is stable and non-reactive.

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11y ago

Helium is one of the Noble Gases like Neon, Argon, etc.

Their valence ring is full so it has no interest in reacting with anything

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But of course. One of its properties is that it is very unreactive.

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The noble gases helium and neon are the only elements with completely full outer shells.

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It would be a non-metal and a halogen. Group 18 or the noble gases, all have 8 electrons in their outer shell. Therefore, the group before it would have seven electrons in the outer shell. This group is made up of all non-metals.

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I would imagine, logically, Calcium would react with every element except the Noble Gases - as they already have full outer energy levels, thus being unreactive. You will often find one calcium reacting with one element from group 6, for example Oxygen. CaO (as they strive to reach a full outer shell.)

What is an example of an unreactive element?

Basically all the noble gases as they have a stable electronic configuration and therefore they would not share their electrons with other atoms. -- Actually, the noble gases have been synthesized in labs to form noble gas compounds. Gold and platinum are both unreactive elements. There are probably more though.

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Given what we know about electron structure, we would expect there to be 8 electrons in the outer shell of an atom with the atomic number of 10. And that's how many there are. Element 10 is neon, and like all noble or inert gases, it has a full outer shell.There are only two electron shells for all the elements up through element 10 (neon). The first shell will only accept 2 electrons. That's the s shell, and it's the outer shell (and the only shell) for helium (the lightest inert gas). The next 8 electrons will fill the second electron shell, which is the p shell. That means element 10 (the inert gas neon) will have a full s shell (2 electrons) and a full p shell (8 electrons).

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Atoms that have 8 electrons in their outer shell are "inert." These would most likely be the noble gases. Like: Helium, Neon, Argon, etc.

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