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To maintain their purchasing power during years of rising prices

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Q: Why would workers and retirees want to have their wages and benefits indexed to the Consumer Price Index CPI?
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How do younger workers pay for social security benefits to retired workers?

Younger workers pay for social security benefits to retired workers through payroll taxes. A portion of their wages is deducted and paid into the Social Security trust fund. These funds are then used to pay benefits to current retirees. When the younger workers themselves retire, the next generation of workers will contribute to their benefits.

Social Security?

A federal program that provides benefits for retirees, the disabled, and the children of deceased workers. U.S. employees must pay a SoCal security tax to fund this program.

The Administration collects taxes from workers to pay benefits and living expenses to persons covered under the program when they retire?

This describes a pay-as-you-go system, where current workers fund benefits for current retirees through taxes. It's commonly used in social security programs.

Who is the patron saint for retirees or retirement?

St. Joseph is often considered the patron saint for workers and retirees because of his dedication to providing for his family and his role as a carpenter. While there isn't a specific patron saint solely for retirees, St. Joseph is frequently invoked for those entering retirement or seeking employment after retirement.

Why do republicans think social security benefits should be reduced?

They don't. They, and other fiscal responsibly people, thinks that the annual increase that retirees get should closely match the increases that American wage earner gets. Other wise, the percent of wages of American workers will have to go up to pay the retirees, or the retirement fund will go broke. Like the President says, it's simple math.

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Sweatshops are in place because it is much cheaper to make whatever goods are made there. Employees are paid much less than those who work in quality factories. The company benefits from cheaper workers and the consumer benefits from cheaper goods.

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There are many benefits of Liberty Mutual Workers Comp insurance. The best benefits to Liberty Mutual Workers Comp insurance would be the ability to get money when an employee gets injured.

What are the benefits of working in Oregon?

There are numerous benefits to working in Oregon. Oregon provides workers with health care benefits that are most beneficial to the workers. Their healthcare promotes better health.

What is the drawback of having the social security taxes of young er workers pay for the benefits of older workers?

the social security taxes you pay provide benefits for workers who have already retired. ======= There might not be enough younger workers if populations are declining or the younger workers may not earn enough to support themselves and pay the promised benefits to the older workers as the economy declines.

What are the benefits of workers' compensation?

what an employee promise not to do when he accepts worker's compensation benefits

Which agency collects taxes from workers pay benefits and living expenses for the dependents and survivors of deceased workers?

The Social Security Administration collects taxes from workers to pay benefits and living expenses for the dependents and survivors of deceased workers.

What provided pensions to workers aged 65 and older?

Social Security and pension plans offered by employers typically provide retirement income to workers aged 65 and older. Social Security is a government program that provides a monthly income to eligible retirees based on their work history and contributions. Employer-provided pension plans may also offer additional retirement benefits to older workers who have participated in the plan.