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Advertisers are biased, and often dishonest.

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Q: Why would you be cautious about scientific information you hear from advertisers?
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Why would you be cautious of scientific information you hear from advertisers?

Because the people proposing you their information is most likely more interested in getting you to buy a product, or their product rather than teaching you science

Why would you be cautious of scientific information you hear from advertising?

Because the people proposing you their information is most likely more interested in getting you to buy a product, or their product rather than teaching you science

Can you give me a sentence using the word cautious?

I would be cautious about using that on your hair.

Why do advertisers use shapes?

Given that letters of the alphabet, and corporate logos are shapes, how else would you expect advertisers to say what the ads are for!

How did advertisers market new appliances like washers and dryers to people especially women?

Advertisers showed how it would help save time.

Are there free dating web sites on the internet?

Yes, the internet does have free dating websites. I would be very cautious of the type of information you disclose as there are many scams out there.

What happen during economic boom advertisers?

During the economic boom, advertisers tried to show a lifestyle that consumers would want to copy.

How can I find the value of my car?

There are many ways to find car values. Either online at a site that has this information up to date. I would be cautious of what results you find to be a quote.

How do you say i am cautious in french?

In French, you would say "Je suis prudent(e)" to express "I am cautious."

What would a scientist do with the information gathered during the experimental process?

use it based on the scientific method.

What would advertisers put on a poster for Live Aid?

Anything related to music and poverty.

What kind of data would you need to carry out a scientific experiment?

depends on the experiment - more information required