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because we are killing it and taking the silk

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Q: Why you should discourage rearing of silkworm in ahimsa philosophy?
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What purpose does the website Ahimsa serve?

The website Ahimsa explains the philosophy behind Ahimsa which believes in doing no harm to any living being, and showing love and respect to all living things. It is an important part of many religions such as Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism.

What is ahimsa silk?

ahimsa silk

Where did the idea of ahimsa come from?

The idea of ahimsa originated in ancient Indian philosophy and religions, particularly in Jainism and Buddhism. It is a principle of non-violence and non-harming, advocating compassion towards all living beings. Ahimsa has been an integral part of these religions for centuries and has also influenced other movements promoting peace and non-violence around the world.

How do you pronounce ahimsa?

Ahimsa is pronounced as "uh-HIM-sah."

How do you pronouce ahimsa?

Ahimsa is pronounced as "uh-him-suh."

Is ahimsa the logical conclusion to both Hindu devotional and Hindu ascetic practices?

no, in Hinduism ahimsa was important in society. But in fields of war ahimsa was never applied.

What is the important lesson taught in the movie gandhi?

He pioneered satyagraha. This is defined as resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience, a philosophy firmly founded upon ahimsa, or total nonviolence

What inspired Martin Luther King jr?

Ahimsa inspired Martin Luther King Jr. Ahimsa means nonviolence. Mohandas Gandhi was a nonviolent protester in India long ago. He practiced ahimsa while doing so. Ahimsa and Mohandas Gandhi had inspired Martin Luther Ling JR.

How does ahimsa ralate to other Hindu beliefs?

how does ahimsa relate to other hindu beliefs

What is the ahimsa?

Ahimsa: the act of nonviolence to all things. This is found in many religions but it was first discovered in Jainism.

What is the principle of ahimsa?

"Ahimsa" is a term meaning to do no harm (literally: the avoidance of violence - himsa). It is a Sankrit word. On a very superficial level (or for the lay-man), it is defined as a policy of not hurting anyone or anything in our environment. However, going on a deeper level, the concept of Ahimsa is much more subtle in nature. Ahimsa is a concept that has to be understood at three levels, which are as follows:- 1. The first level is physical. That is, we should not hurt anyone or anything in our environment purposely. This includes not only humans, but animals & insect kingdom too. We are to ABSTAIN from harming or hurting anything. 2. The second level of Ahimsa is concerning our intention. We should abstain from intending anything harm. That is, our intention, (though not directly but even indirectly), should not be directed towards harming any person or thing. That is by way of rumors, backbiting, negative politics etc. 3. The third level is of thought. This is most subtle level. The philosophy says that even accidentally, we should not have a negative thought about any person or thing. All the 3 levels are connected to each other. This is because as per the Ahimsa philosophy, any action, initiates from firstly thought, then the thought becomes more concrete with intention & finally it leads to action, when opportunity arises. Hence, Ahimsa is abstaining from doing harm to any person or thing in thought, form (intention) & action. 'Mahavir' who was the respective leader of Jainism sect (religion) made the concept of Ahimsa popular. Jainism is based on some principles, among which the most prominent (though others too are important) is Ahimsa. To some extent, Buddhism too, followed this philosophy of Ahimsa, but they took the middle path. That is Buddhism did not go to the extent as Jainism, which forbade even the killing of harmful insects like mosquitoes. Both the religions believed that only by following Ahimsa, could we have a pure mind leading to effective meditation & godly thoughts.

Who practiced ahimsa?
