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There are many reasons/ motivations to reduce our consumption of fossil fuels. The reasons include: 1. Limited supply: The earth has a finite capacity of commercially producible fossil fuels. This provides reason to use what we have for the most economic good. 2. Environment and health issues: There is no clean burning fossil fuel. All fossil fuels release CO2 and contribute to global warming. Other environmental impacts are acid rain and the release of volatile organic compounds hazardous to human health. You may do a search on wikipedia on air pollution, and find more on health hazards. 3. Economics: Importation of oil creates a trade deficit, which has serious economic consequences. As the supply diminishes, the cost to find and produce additional fossil fuels tends to increase, and this cost is passed on to the consumer. 4. Personal: Using fuel efficient cars, air conditioners, and reducing long commutes means you save money, especially as price of fuels rise.

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It cost a lot of cash.

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Q: Why should you use less fossil fuels?
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There will eventually be no fossil fuels to use in the world.

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we should minimize the use of fossil fuels and we should use carpools as well as as drive at a moderate speed. we should try to reduce the use of these fossil fuels that might help us in our future & we should use these fossil fuels carefully.

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Perhaps people should limit their use of fossil fuels because of environmental concerns. Where technology exists to replace machines that use fossil fuels, solar or wind are now viable options.

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We use fossil fuels all the time and we will keep using them. You should really just cut back on how many fossil fuels you are using. Unplug plugs when your not using them etc, etc I hope this helped

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Nonrenewable resources should be used wisly because one day, depending on how fast we use them, they will run out. Expecially the way we are using fossil fuels right now, sciecists predict that fossil fuels will run out. But if we can just use it slowly and think of ways to use less and do them then they might go on for more generations. Hopefully we can all do this and use less fossil fuels, so that they may go on for ages at least. And that is why we should use nonrenewable wisly.

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Most countries burn fossil fuels to generate electricity.If they used solar power to generate electricity, thenThey would not have to use so much fossil fuel.Solar Energy itself does not reduce the use of fossil fuels. But the use of solar energy should hopefully reduce the need of fossil fuels to create energy, so therefore the more we can use solar power as an energy source instead of fossil fuels, the more we reduce the use of fossil fuels.

What can you do about the affects of fossil fuels?

I believe everyone. Let me explain. We can debate how much fossil fuels remain, but the fact is that these (oil, natural gas and coal) are limited resources. I would rephase the question to: Who should not waste fossil fuels? Then, everyone (consumers and industries) need to use fossil fuels to obtain the most benefit and not waste them.

How do we use fossil fuels?

we use fossil fuels by cars because of the natural or people try to make a better earth by using less gas and by not paying to much money for gas

Why should fossil fuels be conserved renewable energy sources are available?

Renewable energy cannot, at present, replace fossil fuels or our use of them.

Should humans use less or more fossil fuels?

Humans should use less fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). The burning of these is causing global warming and climate change. We can generate electricity from renewable sources (solar, wind, hydro, tidal and wave, geothermal among others) which will be good for the planet instead of harmful.

What does fossil fuels mean and use it in a sentence?

fossil fuels are like coal they are mined. they are mining fossil fuels for money