

Why you shouldn't skip class?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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13y ago

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14y ago

Occasionally students skip because they just want to, like maybe for the thrill of it. Most of the time though, they do have a reason. Maybe they didn't do the homework for that class and wanted to avoid a lecture about it from their teacher. Or maybe they wanted to hang out with their friends whom are also skipping. But the most reasonable reason is that they don't like that class or teacher.

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7y ago

Skipping class is an individual choice. You have to weigh the pros and cons and make your own decision. If you're not making very good grades, you should not skip class because your grade will just go down when you miss important facts and don't learn the day's lesson. Other consequences of skipping class: you might miss a quiz that could help your grade, you might need a legitimate absence one day and have too many already by skipping, or you might miss an explanation that helps you understand what the teacher goes over that day.

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6y ago

Students bunk class because of the studies and the hardships of teacher.

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13y ago

You should never skip class. if you do the teachers will find out and call your parents. they will also drug test you or ask all your friends what happend, at least one will spill the truth!

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12y ago

It's totally up to you seeing as it's your life and you get what comes out of it so, that's up to you.

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12y ago

Ask your teacher to go to the bathroom or say that you are sick. You will either go home or miss class. And ALWAYS tell the teacher when you don't feel good, if you do it's a free trip home!

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7y ago

No. Education is a very important thing, so you should not skip classes unless it is impossible for you to go.

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