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it will probally be mating season so the female will get its periods.

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12y ago

Every 6 months, female dogs become in heat and have menstruation. Thus, the reason why they bleed.

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Q: What causes vaginal bleeding in female dogs?
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Most likely its the anal glands, is dog a female? take to vet, the glands need expressed.

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She will be bleeding, and her vagina will be swollen.

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A coochie is slang for the female reproductive organ.

Can dogs breed during heat cycle?

Right after the female stops bleeding is when she can be bred. She will get a clear with pinkish discharge after bleeding, which is when you can breed her, but she will not accept a male while still bleeding.

What causes female dogs to go into heat Can male dogs cause this to happen?

Female dogs go into heat when they think of mating, they get excited, then the male dogs will mate with them... however a male dog can make a female one to go into heat by licking the dog's vulva with their tongues...........

What is vaginal hyperplasia in female dogs?

This is an increase in the size of the vulvar lips, typically during the fertile portion of the dog's heat cycle. This is a normal aspect of the heat cycle, but is abnormal in spayed dogs.

What are some signs that from a young male that is around a young female dog going into heat?

Female dogs will have light bleeding before going into heat. Males will be smelling them all the time.

What causes a male dog to get hung to a female dog during intewrcourse?

Female dogs give out a scent when they are in heed. Heed is when a female is in a position were that is the only time they can mate. So they have a scent that the Male dogs can smell that scent. Also it is in their Urine.

How long does a female dogs heat last and when is she receptive to male dogs?

A female dog will most likely stay in heat for about 21 days. 7 days coming in heat, 7 days in heat, and 7 days going out of heat. You will most likely notice some bleeding for about 7-10 days. From experience females are most receptive to males for 7-10 days after they stop bleeding.

How can you tell if it's normal for your female dog to bleed when her season isn't due until November but a male dog managed to get a hold of her and she has been bleeding since?

Dogs aren't always regular with their seasons. Also, female dogs can have a heat cycle triggered by smelling another female in heat or by sensing a male is around. Even breeders will bring in a vet at times. If your dog is bleeding then your calculations are probably out and your female is in heat. Whether she is pregnant is another matter and it would wise to have a vet examine your pet.

Do Female Guinea pigs have periods or go into season by bleeding like dogs Our Guinea pig Honey is bleeding and we are scared that either something is wrong or she's having her female period. Help.?

Guinea pigs don't menstruate like some larger animals. She may have a bladder infection. Bring her to the vet!