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Q: Will Cephalexin cause more frequent urination from your dog?
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Is peeing a lot normal after you have your period?

urinating is a common symptom after a period. After a period, your bladder is more stimulated which in turn can cause frequent urination.

Can yeast infection cause frequent urination?

Its more likely to cause burning micturation/Urinationfrequent urination is usually one of the symptoms of Diabetes It is advisable to visit your physician and undergo the necessary tests, consume fruits, yogurt and lots of water and most importantly be STRESS- FREE

Can signs of a UTI really be pregnancy?

Both UTI and early pregnancy can cause more frequent urination. See your health care provider for appropriate testing and treatment.

What causes of frequent urination in females?

It may be caused by many things, like diabetes, orU.T.I illness, kidney trouble. you must notice you pass more urine in the winder as the fluids in the body are not lost due to perspiration, so you pass more urine. One cause is drinking to much liquids as well.

Why Urination is more frequent in winter than in summer?

we pass out more concentrated urine during hot summer.

Is consuming alcoholic drinks cause more problem for men having large prostrate gland?

Yes. There will likely be frequent and painful urination, and perhaps inability to completely void the bladder.

7 weeks pregnant with no frequent urination?

You are not even far enough along to have frequent urination the bigger you get the more the baby ext starts to smoosh the bladder so there for you have to pee more you dont start to feel the need to pee more until you are about 4 months give or take a month

What is prostatic hyperplasia?

BPH produces a swelling of the prostate gland that obstructs the urethra. This causes painful urination, reduced urine flow, difficulty starting or stopping the flow, dribbling after urination, and more frequent nighttime urination.

Does methadone cause frequent urination?

It honestly makes me fart a lot! All joking aside!

How would a person know if they had kidney stones?

A symptom of kidney stones is frequent urination and pain during the urination process. You should talk to you doctor to find out more symptoms and how to go about treatment.

What are the most common signs of an over active bladder?

The most common signs are frequent urination, urgency of urination, having to urinate in the middle of the night (3 or more times) & urge incontinence.