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Although I'm by no means a professional, I can say that, as heat causes expansion, it probably wouldn't reduce any type of swelling. Also, if you have swollen glands, you might want to see a doctor--it could be serious.

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Q: Will a hot compress help swollen glands?
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I have just learned that if you have an infection you should NOT use heat. The reason being is that it draws the infection out, and encourages it to spread. Cold is the way to go if you are going to use a compress (although it may be difficult. I know that a warm compress has helped me more than a cold compress.)

After Liposuction bruises and swollen hot or cold compress?

Post cosmetic surgery you should use warm compress. My mother just had a breast reduction and was instructed to use a warm compress. Cold compress is to reduce swelling or inflammation after an injury like a spained ankle. Wish you the best in the healing process.

What is the meaning of hot compress?

A hot compress is typically something like a hot water bottle used to alleviate pain by putting the hot compress next to the sore body part.

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How do you get rid of swollen glands on your neck?

Ok, I have swollen glands all the time in fact I have it right now, what works the best is drinking lots of hot tea with lemon and honey. Also try to have some throat drops handy it seems to be helpful. I would also try to see a doctor because well you never know.

How long you use a hot or cold compress maximum?

Hot compress should be use 5-10mins. It should alternately do with the cold compress for a better result.

Which is best for reducing swollen wrist a hot or cold compress?

Id recommend cold, as it reduces swelling.

What causes eye swelling to go down?

putting a hot compress or warm wetted clean wash towel on it could help

What is contrast hydrotherapy?

series of hot and cold water applications. A hot compress (as hot as an individual can tolerate) is applied for three minutes followed by an ice cold compress for 30 seconds

Should you use hot or cold compresses for a swollen eyelid?

ONLY USE COLD WATER for a swollen eyelid. Hot water stimulates the cells and makes it more swollen.

Can a hot compress make the pus go down?

A warm compress is used to draw pus to the surface and onto the compress material. It should be as warm as bearable, rather than too hot to cause scalding. Change the compress frequently, and only use a new compress as a replacement. Don't wash and reuse a compress to avoid further infection.