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They eat their babies.

All fish eat other fish. Fish are opportunistic feeders, which means that they eat when presented with food, regardless of if they are hungry or not. Fish will eat any dead fish in their tank. If a dies, it needs to be removed right away so it does not spread disease or pollute the water.

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16y ago

No. They strictly mate with other mollies but who knows maybe they can if you believe.

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Q: Will a molly mate with other species of fish?
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When is mating season for fish?

It is mating season for fish when it is really hot and dry.

Do angelfish blend in with other fish?

Do you mean will they mate with other fish or get along with other fish? They will not mate with other fish, but they will get along without tetras.

How do you breed a molly and can different types of mollys mate?

Obviously one male and one female is needed, but also the temperature of your water must be warm enough as we are talking about tropical fish. Different types of molly can breed, so can different species from their family. Guppy/molly hybrids (gullies) are an example.

What if your goldfish seems to be trying to mate with your black Mollie is that possible?

Goldfish are cold water fish and should not be kept in an aquarium with a tropical molly. There is no way they can cross breed. Fish are not stupid and do know the difference between one of their own species and a species that should not be in there with them. It is quite possible the goldfish will eventually kill the molly. Failing that, if your tank is not heated, the Molly will probably die during the winter if the temperature gets below 65F for too long anyway.

At what age do Molly fish begin to mate?

Mollies can get gravid at a few weeks old.

Who does the north American badgers mate to?

Badgers mate with other badgers. This is the normal way that sexual reproduction works in any species. Members of a given species mate with other members of the same species. Mating with other species will get them nowhere.

Do dolphins mate with other animals?

they do mate with other species of dolphins rarely

What is weird about how angelfish mate?

Absolutely nothing is weird about how Angelfish mate. There are many fish species that mate in the same or a very similar manner.

Will fish mate with other fish in the tank?

of course, why not?