

Will a squash ball bounce in concrete?

Updated: 5/29/2024
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12y ago

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Yes, a squash ball will bounce on concrete, but the bounce will be much lower compared to bouncing on a squash court surface. The hard surface of concrete absorbs more energy from the ball, resulting in a shorter bounce.

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A squash ball typically contains natural rubber, various types of plastic, and chemical compounds like antioxidants and accelerators. These chemicals are used to give the ball its desired elasticity, bounce, and durability.

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What does sboncen mean?

"Sboncen" is a Welsh word that means "bounce" in English.

Does the surface affect the bounce of a ball?

Yes, the surface can affect the bounce of a ball. A harder surface like concrete will result in a higher bounce compared to a softer surface like grass or sand. The elasticity and friction of the surface play a role in how the ball rebounds.