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4d ago

Air pollution is a global issue that requires immediate action to mitigate its impact on public health and the environment. While it poses significant challenges, efforts to reduce emissions and promote sustainable practices can help prevent air pollution from becoming uncontrollable. Collaboration between nations, industries, and individuals is essential to address this pressing problem.

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Is there pollution in New Mexico?

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What percentage of the world is effected by air pollution?

Approximately 91% of the world's population lives in areas where air quality exceeds the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for pollutants, leading to health risks such as respiratory diseases and cardiovascular issues.

What is a sentence using the phrase air pollution?

The air pollution was so bad that I had to take some antihistamines.

What is 'air pollution' in Dutch?

"Luchtvervuiling" is a Dutch equivalent of "air pollution."The concern over the quality of air is worldwide. The concern over its lack may be greatest in the industrialized parts of the world. But places that are known for the fine quality of their air, land and water worry over the impact of tourism. Ecological tourism is a lucrative and popular activity. But vehicle pollution from the means of transportation is a source of considerable anxiety.

What is reducing air pollution?

Reducing air pollution is to cause a reduction in how polluted the air is. That shouldn't take much to work out.

What is the air pollution rate?

The rate at which air pollution occurs depends on the area. Some areas around the world have faster pollution rates.

How far can air pollution travel?

Iv'e heard it can travel over 50 miles depending on how much pollution there is in the air.

How can blimps be use in scientific studies of the air?

pollution ZION JOSEPH

How may pollution take place in airwater and soil?

How May pollution take place in air,water, and soil

Is bacteria a natural source of pollution?

yes ,because when the bacteria hits he air there is pollution and you will get a headache if you take in to much air

When does air pollution mainly occur in the world?


Does air pollution take away oxygen?

Yes because it pollutes the air!☺