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Yes, Hot water makes the tablets dissolve much faster than when they are placed in cold water.

Alka-Seltzer tablets dissolve faster in hot water rather than cold because the more heat something has the more energy the atoms or molecules in the object get. so in hot water the molecules inside are moving around really fast and have tons of energy to dissolve the tablet while in cold water the molecules are still moving around but at a slower pace therefore taking longer to dissolve the tablet.

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14y ago
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15y ago

In hot water the molecules move around more quickly. This means that when they bombard the alka seltzer tablet, they do so more quickly and with more force. This has the effect of dissolving the tablet more quickly.

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12y ago

Alka Seltzer usually dissolves faster in hot water (especially boiling water); it is much slower if you want to dissolve it in cold water. This is because hot water has more heat energy which makes the molecules move around faster and hence the process faster.

The same principle applies with adding sugar to tea. Sugar dissolves much slower in iced tea than it does in hot tea.

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14y ago

Alkaseltzer dissolve or disintegrate faster in cold water than warm water.

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11y ago

Because hot water has higher kinetic energy, so its particles are moving faster.

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15y ago

Hot atoms move around more quickly, allowing more of the alka-selzer to be hit by water, allowing more to be dissolved.

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12y ago

Well, that would be soda water or, water higher in pH or, if you're talking about pure water, it's hot water.-Doc

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12y ago

I say that the alks-seltzer will dissolve faster in the hot water because the hot water has more energy and more molecules than the cold water.

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12y ago

I'm fairly certain that they do not. Unless you mean "dissolve faster in cold water than in gasoline", which is probably true.

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Why do akla seltzer tablets dissolve faster in hot water?

Because in hot water the molecules are moving MUCH faster and can bond to the molecules in the alka seltzer tablets faster.

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The pH of alka seltzer is approximately 9.2 on the pH scale. Source: Challney High School For Boys Luton Investigation for Neutralistaion

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Ultimately, the temperature has little effect of the reaction of water and Alka-Seltzer. However, warmer water will make the reaction occur and finish a bit faster.

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It is actually water

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Water. You did know that alka-seltzer dissolves in water, right?

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no it do not water dissolve faster.

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Alka Seltzer dizzolves in 33.1 sedonds

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