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Probably not fast enough to avoid getting stung. Ground wasps, or yellowjackets, are very aggressive and will defend the colony. We have a lot of moles so we get a lot of these nests. I have good luck mixing an entire quart of Sevin liquid insecticide into a gallon of water and rigging up a contraption to send it down the hole - through a hose - AT NIGHT. DO NOT try this during daylight. Set it up to drain into the hole (on a chair or milk crate) shove it in and run! Leave it there until morning and remove it carefully in case some survived. It is a good idea to cover your flashlight with red plastic to keep them calm while you set up. I have also killed them by emptying a can of wasp spray into the hole - at dusk from a safe distance - but it is a little more dangerous and may not get them all the first time. I have been told that Sevin dust will also work but may take a few days. Whatever you do, don't mess with them during the day!

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No just make them mad but it will kill ants, and beetles

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Q: Will bleach kill ground bees and wasps?
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Will bleach kill wasps?


Do you need a license to kill bees?

only bumble bees but not wasps or yellow jackets or hornets

You have ground bees will ammonia kill them?

Ammonia alone will not kill bees. The most effective way to get rid of bees is to have a professional bee-keeper collect the bees. If that is not possible, pick up sevin dust at your local lawn and garden center. Sprinkle this on the bee hive or nest.

What can you use to kill bees in the ground besides gasoline?

possibly but it will poison the soil, kill any plant it contacts and can seep to nearby wells. its also dangerous as it can ignite

Can you kill ground bees with bee spray?

If the bees have bored into the ground, pour borax into the hole to kill the bees. The bees that survive the initial application of borax will get the dust on themselves and bring it to their nest, spreading it to other bees who will eventually die.

What really kills bees?

The hornet, mice, other bees, wasps and small mites called varoa which can kill whole hives by making the queen infertile

Will dimorphic earth kill ground bees?

i doubt it

Will permethrin kill yellow jackets?

Permethrin does kill yellow jackets as well as hornets, ground bees, wasps, and other stinging insects. You can discourage yellow jackets from nesting in trees and shrubbery around your yard by spraying them with permethrin as well.

What insects kill honey bees and why?

When their natural food supplies dry up, wasps can be hungry enough to raid a honey bee hive in order to get to the honey stores. An individual wasp will easily be repelled by the guard bees, but a concerted attack by a large number of wasps can succeed in gaining entry and the result will be a lot of dead bees -- and dead wasps.

Where do sand bees keep there nests?

How to Kill Sand Bees. Sand bees or ground bees burrow down into the soil to build their hives.

What insects does chlordane control?

Chlordane is harmful to many different insects. Some of the insects that this will kill include bees, wasps, hornets, and dragonflies.

Can ground bees kill you?

Yes they can be dangerous and some people make the mistake of not realizing that they could be wasps or hornets. In British Columbia we have hornets that live in mud under water! Many people have been stung with them. If you or anyone in your family (including pets) are bitten give Benadryl antihistamines (ready label for adults and children) and if a pet is bit, take them immediately the vets. You are going to need an exterminator to help you rid yourself of these ground pests.