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Most likely condensation will form because when temperature drops the humidty rises. If the temperature of the can is low enough the humidty in the hot air when taken down to the temperature of the cold can will condense. The same thing happens on a lawn when the temperature of the air cools enough overnight to form dew.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 2y ago
ok let’s see if that works lol
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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Condensation will probably happen

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βˆ™ 4y ago


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Q: Will condensation or evaporation take place if someone takes out a cold drink on a hot day?
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Can you compare evaporation and condensation?

Evaporation is the process in which there is a change of state from liquid to gas. Condensation it is the process in which there is a change of state from gaseous to liquid or solid. Evaporation takes place from surfaces, all the time at all places Condensation can take place on surfaces, or at any place in a gas, though it is often aided by the presence of dust or other small particles. Evaporation absorbs energy. Condensation gives out energy.

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There are four stages in the water cycle. Condensation takes place after evaporation.

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For evaporation to take place there must be some form of heat. This is heat from the sun

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Evaporation is an endothermic process.Condensation is an exothermic process.

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This is called an equilibrium.

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Relief rainfall takes place when evaporation,transpiration and condensation takes place followed byprecipitation

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The flooding takes place because in some areas there are no gutter lines and there is a lot of blockage

Which process takes place in a water cycle?

Evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection are the processes that take place in the water cycle.

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Evaporating and condensing

How does evaporation and condensation lead to precipitation?

Evaporation is when the sun heats up a liquid to where the individual molecules become more excited and start to spread, which creates a gas. Condensation is when the gas begins to cool down again, to where the molecules start to regroup into a liquid.

Can evaporation occur while its raining?

It is unlikely for evaporation to occur during rain because rain is typically associated with condensation. Evaporation takes place when liquid water turns into vapor due to heat energy from the sun. During rain, water is falling back to the surface in the form of precipitation, which is the opposite of evaporation.

Does condensation takes place all the time?

Condensation takes place at any temperature. Condensation takes place at any temperature.