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As far as we know, they would look very similar to the way they look now. For the most part, processes that cause a change in landforms perform that change slowly.

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Q: Will earth's landforms look the same 1000 years from now?
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Can you Learn About Landforms?

You can learn about anything you want to learn about. Just look in your textbook or do a search for landforms on the internet and you'll be surprised at how much information you can learn!

How meny landforms are there in Europe?

93 but that's if you look at it in the form of building blocks

How do you identify volcanic landforms on a topographic map?

Volcanic landforms on a topographic map can be identified by looking for features such as cones, calderas, lava flows, and volcanic craters. These landforms typically display unique shapes and elevations that stand out from the surrounding terrain. Additionally, you can look for contour lines that depict changes in elevation, which can highlight the topography of the volcanic landscape.