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i had 20/20 vision till i was 15. at that point i somehow got iritis. it was diagnosed late and the treatment was not exactly how my new eye doctor treats it. i ended up with two black dots in the center of my vision in my right eye. pretty much rendering that eye to usable vision to 6 inches if i move the object into the areas around the spots.

that said i have been fighting it in my left eye since i was about 17 or 18. my new eye doctor diagnosed it early and we have been able to keep my vision for 10 plus years. he treats it with pred forte drops pretty much exclusivly.

some differences from the first doctor to this one that if ever asked again i would want a second opinion are as follows.

oral steriod pills were used for treatment.

an attempt to lower pressure with a whole that was punched with a laser.

i have used neither of these in the last ten years and those two ways i was blind in less than 6 months. cant say that it wasnt due to not discovering it early enough all i can say is what has worked and what obviosly did not.

i dont think i will ever go blind in my left eye. my current doctor is swift to get me in like same day most often and anytime i feel or see anything that is wierd or i know is an issue i go see him. normally 4 to 6 weeks later its gone till the next time.

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3d ago

If left untreated, severe iritis can lead to vision loss but it is rare for it to cause complete blindness. Prompt diagnosis and proper treatment are crucial in preventing long-term complications and preserving vision. It's important to follow your healthcare provider's recommendations and attend regular eye exams for monitoring.

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