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It is rather subtle. In general yes, if there is no air resistance (or any comparable force) all objects will fall down at the same speed. However this is only strictly true if the masses of the objects are small compared to that of the Earth.

This is because we generally attach our coordinate system to the Earth, so if the Earth moves upwards we do not measure it, instead appearing to us as if the object fell down quicker. This is just a consequence of a badly chosen reference frame of course. As an example one would not expect a tea cup to fall down at the same speed as the Moon, because the Moon would actually also pull the Earth towards it.

Again if we would properly attach our coordinate system to some place that will remain at rest all objects fall with the same speed.

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Q: Will objects fall at the same speed if there is no air?
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how do objects fall when there is no air resistance?

In the absence of air resistance (friction) objects will fall at the same speed. Hope this still helps :)

What objects fall at the same speed?

Neglecting air resistance ... all of them.

What is the word that causes all objects to fall at different speeds?

In the absence of air, all objects fall with the same acceleration. That means that at the same time after the drop, all objects are moving at the same speed.

What do you use to see if all object fall at the same speed?

yes, all the objects fall at same speed if we neglect air resistence but they appear to be falling at different speeds due to air resistence.

Do objects fall equally?

They fall at the same speed, if there is no outside force acting on it (ie. air resistance, wind etc.)

Why don't objects fall to earth at the same velocity?

Air resistance of an object can slow its fall. If every object had the same resistance, everything would fall at the same speed.

What is the force called that makes all objects fall at different speed?

That's called the "force of imagination".In the absence of air, all objects fall with the same acceleration. At equal times after the drop, all objectsare falling at the same speed.

Why don't all falling objects fall at the same speed?

The only reason falling objects don't fall at the same speed on Earth is the countering force of wind resistance. Without air, all objects would fall at the same rate, regardless of mass (ex. Galileo's ball experiments, as well as the hammer and feather experiment on the Moon).

Do heavier ojects fall faster than lighter ones?

Set aside air resistance (drag) and the answer is no. Objects fall at the same speed when accelerated by gravity when there is no air resistance.

Do different shaped objects fall at different speeds with the same weight?

yes, they fall at different speeds because of friction due to air molecules. In a vacuum they would fall at the same speed.

Do all objects fall at the same speed down a slope?

no, some are heavier therefore fall faster. not! all objects fall at the same rate no matter what size, Galileo said that DUH! both are wrong... partially. Some objects have more air resistance than others. The more air resistance, the slower an object will fall to the ground. ;-) -Th

Do all objects not aided by the air fall to the ground at the same speed?

Yes all objects fall at the same speed but there are objects that are aided by the air that don't fall to the ground at the same speed. For example, a feather and a brick. A feather is a object that is aided by air. A brick is a object that wind cannot blow away. If I drop both of them down with the same time down a 100 feet building, then definitely the brick will totally reach the ground first ............ well and it will get crushed into pieces while the feather might be blown away into a different place and reach the ground last.:) :):):):):):):):):)