

Will oxygen turn limewater chalky

Updated: 9/21/2023
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11y ago

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no,it will not. carbon dioxide ill thurn limewater chalky..:)

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Q: Will oxygen turn limewater chalky
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Does carbon dioxide turn limewater chalky and why?

it turns into a milky solution

If a plant is put into limewater in a testube which is sealed and left overnight Will the limewater become very chalky?

Of cousethe plant sets off CO2 which reacts with ca(oh)2 exists in limewater engender caco3so the limewater will become chalky

Why does limewater turn clear when you continue blowing into it after it has turn chalky?

Because there is an excessive amount of CO2, causing another chemical reaction to take place.

What happens to limewater in the presence of carbon?

it will become milky and chalky

Why does exhaled air turn limewater chalky faster than inhaled water?

carbon dioxide turns lime water chalky. the more carbon dioxide, the faster the limewater turns chalky. Exhaled air contains carbon dioxide waste from the bodies organs, and that's why it contains more carbon dioxide than inhaled air.

If I put two plants into two boxes make of clear glass and wood along with some limewater why would the limewater in the wooden box turns chalky but not the limewater in the clearglass?

The plant in the wooden box has no light, so it cannot photosynthesize. The plant in the dark will still respire and so produce carbon dioxide, indicated by the limewater going milky. The plant in the clear glass box will use up any carbon dioxide and produce oxygen instead.

What has more oxygen water or limewater?

The chemical fortmula for water is H2O. The chemical formula for limewater is Ca(OH)2. Therefore limewater has twice the oxygen, so it has double the oxygen per mol in comparison to water.

What would happen if you put pond snails in limewater?

Snail breathes, CO2 add Lime water = Limewater turns chalky white

Why would solid calcium hydroxide be used to test for carbon dioxide?

I'm not too sure but: It would turn the limewater 'milky' or chalky: CO2 is bubbled though and solid precipitate of calcium carbonate is formed