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It might otherwise use a copper based algaecide at the same time and that should do it.

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Q: Will shocking your foggy pool make it clear?
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When is a pool to dirty and you must drain it?

if its green and you have frogs living in it you need to drain it. If it just needs to be vaccumed and the water is foggy, Chemicals will clear it up

When do you add clearifier after shocking pool?

Yes you can add shock solution to your swimming pool after or at the same time as a clarifyer. You should not swim in your pool for at 4 hours after shocking it.

Can you go in a pool if the free chlorine is low?

Yes, but you should shock it so the water stays clear (do not go in after shocking until the chlorine is at a safe level 1-3ppm)

What would cause a pool to stay green and foggy?

Algae will develop in untreated water turning the water green and or foggy. If it is a swimming pool, and you don't mind, it can be treated with chemicals that you can get at the big box hardware stores or a pool supply place. If the pool is for fish you can use a biological filter and pump system.

Why is Pool water foggy after adding chlorine?

The chlorine is reacting to minerals in the water.

Why would there be brown algae on the bottom of a gunite pool and how do you get rid of it?

Algae spores float around in the air and can hit your pool at any time You can fix it by 1 shocking the pool and scrubbing the walls and floor of the pool if this doesn't clear it up just get an algaecide from your pool shop. When you vacuum the dead algae out of the pool it would be a good idea to vacuum it to waste to reduce the risk of reinfecting the pool.

Is shocking pool the same as adding chlorine?

Pretty much --Yes.

Will shocking the pool kill mosquitos?

The amount of chlorine normally used to shock a pool should kill and larvae and other living things in the pool.

What do you do if you over shocked the pool?

Shocking a pool is increasing a the chlorine levels to the maximum, successfully.

Indoor pool ventilation shocking?

Shocking produces gasses as a result of the chemical reaction between the shocking agent and the organic material in the pool water such as dead bugs, lipstick, and bodily discharges. It would be a good idea to vent off these gasses to the outside in addition to letting the humid air out.

How do you keep your pool clean and clear?

by using chemicals go to special pool shops they are brilliant and clear the algae, not to mention making your pool blue and clear!

When your pool thermometer breaks in the pool should you shock the pool right away?

Shocking is not useful response for a broken pool thermometer. Most pool thermometers are electronic sensors or bimetallic strips, which won't put anything into the pool if they break, or are based on colored alcohol, for which shocking will not do anything. If your broken thermometer used mercury (unlikely) it will settle to the bottom and into the drain traps. You need to get the mercury out of the drains.