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Q: Will stacker 2 energy shot cause a dirty ua?
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What makes a shotgun dirty?

Burning powder, shot cups, shot wads.

What are the release dates for Top Shot - 2010 Down and Dirty 3-2?

Top Shot - 2010 Down and Dirty 3-2 was released on: USA: 16 August 2011

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i am the king of the castle and your the dirty rascals hahahahahahahaha

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What cause Martin Luther King death?

he got shot by a guy who was at his speech and he shot him cause his speech offended him

Can stacker 3 get u high?

I have taken 2 capsules of a pack of 4. I broke the capsules in 2, took all the powder out (Beware! Do not snort! That really burns!), then I put the powder in an empty 6 hour energy shot bottle (after I had just drank the 6 hour energy shot.), mixed the powder with some RedBull and then drank and took it like an energy shot. You do feel energized but makes you hungry, your stomake rumbles for food (that was the only bad side effect). I do know that the pills did give me a more energized feel similar to Mini thins but better as stronger and longer lasting about 6 hours plus the shot I'm feeling energized like a mellow type of speed (a very small dose of speed). But be-warned; I give this as information. Not advice to do. Also read the back of the box/package; make sure no allergies to medicine and/or supplements, in the Stacker 3 XPLC, you do not overdose; it says distinctly not to take more then one at a time. I have. It explicitly says not to take more than 3 a day!

Who was the black bank robber that dirty harry shot in the start of the movie?

Thalamus rasaulla

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What should you eat for a quick shot of energy?

Food that contain grains or carbohydrates are the best at giving you a quick shot of energy.

What ended when JD Howard was shot in St Joseph Missouri?

When that dirty little cocward Shot Mr Howard They laid poor Jesse in his grave.

What was the cause of JFK dead?

He was shot!

What type of energy is present in a barbell being lifted or a shot being thrown?

Mechanical energy is the type of energy that is present in a barbell being lifted or a shot put being thrown.