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Q: Will there be people living on the moon in the year 2020?
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Thhere will be people living on the moon by the year 2020?

There will be people living on the moon by the year 2020 ?

In 2004 President Bush announced he wanted to return to the moon by what year?

He wanted Americans to return to the moon by 2020.

Will people living on the moon by the year 2020?

I'm reading this on the 15th September 2021, at 12:47 in my timezone, and YOU posted that question ONE HOUR AGO, on this very day, so... uhm... well, no!

How and when have NASA reserched Europa the moon of Jupiter?

i have heard that NASA will launch a Europa Rover in the year 2020

How many People Committed Suicide in the Year of 2020?

None. Since 2020 hasn't happened yet. (This was answered in 2013).

Is lunar year a unit of time?

No. Perhaps when people start living on the Moon permanently, the "loonies" (SF writer Robert Heinlein's term for residents of the Moon) will start using it.

In what year will a full moon land on the same night as Halloween?

In the year 2012 at midnight Eastern Standard Time, the moon will be 100% illuminated on October 29 and 30, and 98% illuminated on the 31st. This 98% of Full Moon will probably look indistinguishable from a Full Moon to most people. In 2020, there will be a 98% illumination on October 30, and 100% on the 31st which is a genuine Full Moon and the first one that is technically Full as well as apparently so.

Will 2020 be a common year?

No. 2020 is not going to be a common year it is a multiple of 4

In what year NASA is planing to land an astronaut on the moon again?

The Constellation program, which had planned to land Americans back on the moon sometime between 2018 and 2020 has been canceled. At this time there is no plan for a manned return to the moon.

What year did the first people walk on the moon?

The year man landed on the moon was 1969.

What year did the people land on the moon can you have the answer to the question?

The year man landed on the moon was 1969.

When is the next time a full moon will occur on Friday the 13?

The next full moon to occur on Friday 13th will be onFriday Aug 13, 2049