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Q: Will water get rid of a honey bee hive?
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How do you get rid of bee hive?

We don't get rid of bee hives, we call a local bee club. They will come get them for free and maybe give you honey in trade. Bee hives have a great value beyond honey, its called pollination. A bee hive is not a swarm. A hive contains brood, honey, drones, workers and a queen, etc... A swarm is a group of bees and a queen looking for a new home. They are very easy to deal with and are a valuable asset to any beekeeper! So what ever the case, CALL A LOCAL BEEKEEPER! Keep the bees and don't pollute the honey with chemicals.

How do bee get rid of waste?

They excrete it from the rear end of the abdomen. Honey bees do not defecate in the hive if they can possibly avoid doing so, they will take 'clearing' flights in the general area of the hive.

How do you get rid of a bee hive in a file cabinet?

Set fire to the filing cabinet

How can you get rid of bees around your shed if you don't want to hire someone?

i heard a thing about vinegar in a bowl that my help Answer for bee hive You need to locate the bee hive and destroy it at night when the bees will all be in the hive. I would call a professional if it is a large hive.

How do you get rid of a bee hive under a deck?

The best way to get rid of bee hives under a deck or anywhere is to spray the whole hive and area with dish soap or laundry detergent. The soap will coat their wings and they will not be able to fly and it will clog their thorax which is how they breathe.

How do you get rid of hornets without killing them?

Get inside a bee suit and carry the hive far far away.

How do you get rid of the bees on Virtual Villagers?

you put your person on the torches next to the hive and light them on fire and your person will automatically move to the hive to calm the bees down then a person will try to extract the honey they may not get it on the first try because it is new to them

How do you get rid bees with smoke?

Bees are terrified of fire, beekeepers puff smoke in to the hive to make the bees go to the bottom when removing the honey. I wouldn't recommend taking up smoking just to keep a bumble bee away though

How can you get rid of honey bee from your backyard?

While honey bees are not as dangerous as hornets or wasps, they can still pose a threat to the untrained person. Hence, it is best to call for pest control to get rid of them.

How do you get rid of bees in your chiminy?

Following up to my own question; I seem to have a bee hive that has developed near the top of my chiminy, Is there something I can spray, or put up there that will drive them away? I am afraid I have honey in my chiminy now, and worried what it will cost for a Bee removal company to do this for me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Rich

How do you get rid of ants near a honey bee hive?

We are second year beekeepers and have had this problem this year also. The books I have read tell me to buy a big jar of ground cinnamon from a restaraunt supply store and sprinkle it liberally near the base of the hive and open up the telescoping cover and sprinkle it on the top. The bees don't mind it and the ants hate it! Good luck!

How can you get rid of honey bees that are nested behind the brick of the house?

Notify a professional beekeeper or bee removal service company.