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Nobody else can give your personal opinion for you!

WikiAnswers will not write your paragraph for you, but we WILL help you learn how to do it yourself! Click on the Related Questions for even more information.

Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic? Look up some facts about the current system! How would you explain the system to your friend? What does the current system mean to you? How can you support your opinions?

If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

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Q: Will you write me an analytic paragraph in which you decide whether you support the current system of appointing justices for life?
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How do you write an analytic paragraph in which you decide whether you support the current system of appointing justices for life?

WikiAnswers will not write your homework for you, but we WILL help you learn how to do it yourself! Click on the Related Questions for even more information.You are the only one who can decide your opinions!Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic? Look up some facts about the current justice system! How would you explain your viewpoint to your friend? What reasons would you give for making your choice?If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

Do you support the current system of appointing justices for life?

Though this is fairly off topic, you should choose to broaden the way you ask your questions. In stead of making it a yes or no question, you should at least and "and why" at the end of your question. Anyway, my answer to your question is no. I believe there should be a voting of some kind to appoint justices.

How many justices are on the US court?

Nine Justices make up the current Supreme Court: one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices.

What occupation are justices?

Justice are judges. All current and former justices on the US Supreme Court began their careers as lawyers.

Who are the current 14 associate justices in the philippines 2011?


Who is Victoria justices boyfirend?

Ryan Rottman is Victoria Justice's current boyfriend.

What is the minimum number of Supreme Court Justices required?

Required for what? There are no constitutional mandates governing the number of justices seated on the Supreme Court; such details were left to Congress. Congress determined that a Judiciary Act should never allow fewer than six justices; the current legislation requires nine. A quorum of the current Supreme Court requires at least six justices to hear and decide a case.

How many justices are on the supreme court?

Nine Justices Nine Justices make up the current Supreme Court: one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. There have been 103 Associate Justices in the Court's history.

What has the author Hiram W Edwards written?

Hiram W. Edwards has written: 'The distribution of current and the variation of resistance in linear conductors of square and rectangular cross-section when carrying alternating currents of high frequency' -- subject(s): Electric conductors 'Analytic and vector mechanics' -- subject(s): Vector analysis, Mechanics, Analytic, Analytic Mechanics

Who are the current court justices?

This depends on what area, and level of courts you are talking about. See related questions.

What Act set the number of justices on the current US Supreme Court?

The Judiciary of Act of 1869

Who is the justices are on the supreme court?

The Justices of the Supreme Court are the judges. The current Justices are John G. Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan.