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hana brady died in the concentration camp called lushwatzziz the gas chamber name was called the ulfintazic.

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Q: Witch gas chamber did Hana Brady die in?
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How did hana brady's mother die?

Hana Brady's mother died the same way as Hana Brady. She died in a gas chamber. So did her farther.

What day did Hana Brady die in the concentration camp?

Hana Brady died in a gas chamber at the Auschwitz concentration camp on October 23, 1944.She was 13 years old.

How did Hana Brady die?

Well it is possible that hana escaped the gas chamber. changed her name so the Nazi's wouldn't recenize her. But that is probably not true so she really died in the gas chamber.

When did Hana Brady die?

Hana Brady died on October 23, 1944 at the age of 13.

Why is Hana brady the one to die?

Back then the Nazi would randomly pick who was killed and who wasn't. George Brady was the one who got to live because of his plumbing skills. But Hana Brady was the one to die. I've Searched around and Hana Brady was Indeed burned alive. But everyone in their family was killed except for George Brady.

What day did george brady die?

The answer is that he never died... Hana Brady did die In the death chambers but George did live.

Did Hana Brady die befour the World War 2?

no she died during the war

Why did hana brady die as soon as she got to the second camp?

Probably because she was a female and there would be no use for her. They would keep the men because they had jobs.

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