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they're both used for the same purpose i.e. fill joints and cracks between building materials. They're also both applied with a caulking gun.

sealant is used when there will be expansion and contraction and thermal changes. caulk is recommended in a opposite scenario where expansion and contraction are not an issue because caulk will eventually dry and crack if there's movement. caulk can be painted, sealant cannot.

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Where is a free html template I can use?

You can Get Free HTML Template from Template Monster, Theme Forest. if you wnat to know about How to Edit HTML Template you can read this article. i hope it will help you. medium. com/@uiparadox99/4-captivating-multipurpose-templates-to-elevate-your-online-presence-a3266ba4b450

Explain how can XML used in web page design to carry data?

You can use xml tags to enclose data and carry it over the web onto web pages and display. Lets say you have an xml of courses and you wnat to show it, you would have data like course title, course description etc, you simply create your tags in xml like <course titile> put your course title here</course title> and so on, the resulting xml file (containing your data) could be easily displayed over the internet.

What is ULN2003 integrated circuit?

as a buffer circuit... means whenever u need a high current.... e.x-> if u wnat to run a 12V relay using a PC parallel port(DB-25) output, u kan use such a TTL IC.... if u just connect the relay it will never switch!! the current in a parallel port output will just be enough to light 2 series LEDs.... ULN**** ICs are used in circuits that use PIC ICs(micro controller)..... Also ULN**** series ICs has low power dissipation... -R-

Write a C program to implement dequeue?

Write a C program for Dequeue #include #include struct dll { struct dll *llink; int data; struct dll *rlink; }; typedef struct dll node; node *first=NULL, *new; void create(),insertbeg(),insertmid(),insertend(),insert(); void delbeg(),delmid(),delend(),delete(); void display(); void main() { char ch='y'; int c; clrscr(); while(ch=='y') { printf("1. create 2. insert 3. delete 4. display 5.exit\n"); printf("enter u'r choice"); scanf("%d",&c); switch(c) { case 1: create();break; case 2: insert();break; case 3: delete();break; case 4: display(); } printf("do u want to continue(y/n)"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&ch); } } void create() { node *temp; char ch='y'; temp=first; do { printf("enter the data for new node\n"); new=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); scanf("%d",&new->data); if(first==NULL) { first=new; temp=new; new->llink=NULL; new->rlink=NULL; } else { temp->rlink=new; new->llink=temp; new->rlink=NULL; temp=new; } printf("do u wnat to create another node(y/n)"); ch=getchar(); fflush(stdin); }while(ch!='n'); } void insert() { char ch='y'; int c; while(ch=='y') { printf("1.insertbeg 2: insertmid 3. insertend 4. exit\n"); printf("enter u'r option"); scanf("%d",&c); switch(c) { case 1:insertbeg();break; case 2:insertmid();break; case 3:insertend(); } printf("do u want to continue(y/n)"); fflush(stdin); ch=getchar(); } } void insertbeg() { printf("enter data for node to aded in the beginnning"); new=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); scanf("%d",&new->data); if(first==NULL) { first=new; new->llink=NULL; new->rlink=NULL; } else { new->rlink=first; first->llink=new; new->llink=NULL; first=new; } } void insertmid() { int pos,i=1; node *temp; temp=first; printf("enter the positon to insert a node"); scanf("%d",&pos); printf("enter data for node to be added at a positon %d",pos); new=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); scanf("%d",&new->data); while(i { temp=temp->rlink; i++; } temp->rlink->llink=new; new->rlink=temp->rlink; temp->rlink=new; new->llink=temp; } void insertend() { node *temp; temp=first; printf("enter data for node to be aded at end"); new=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); scanf("%d",&new->data); while(temp->rlink!=NULL) { temp=temp->rlink; } temp->rlink=new; new->llink=temp; new->rlink=NULL; } void delete() { char ch='y'; int c; while(ch=='y') { printf("1. delbeg 2. delmid 3. delend 4. exit\n"); printf("enter u'r option"); scanf("%D",&c); switch(c) { case 1: delbeg();break; case 2: delmid();break; case 3: delend();break; } printf("do u want to continue(y/n)"); ch=getchar(); } } void delbeg() { node *temp; if(first==NULL) { printf("deletion not possible"); exit(); } else { first=first->rlink; first->llink=NULL; } } void delmid() { int pos,i=1; node *temp; temp=first; printf("enter the position to delete a node"); scanf("%d",&pos); while(i { temp=temp->rlink; i++; } temp->rlink->rlink->llink=temp; temp->rlink=temp->rlink->rlink; } void delend() { node * temp; temp=first; while(temp->rlink->rlink!=NULL) { temp=temp->rlink; } temp->rlink->llink=NULL; temp->rlink=NULL; } void display() { node *temp; if(first==NULL) { printf("linked list is empty"); exit(); } else { printf("the contents of dd are :\n"); temp=first; while(temp->rlink!=NULL) { printf("%d",temp->data); temp=temp->rlink; } } }

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