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On the cheek yeah

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Q: Would Niall Horan kiss a 12 year old on?
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Would Niall Horan dare you a 12 year old?

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Will Niall Horan kiss a 12 year old?

Thats illegal in like 500 different countries

Would Niall Horan had an affair with a 12 year girl?

No !

Would Niall Horan ever kiss a 12 year old on the lips?

You'll never know for sure unless you ask him for yourself but I'm guessing the answer is probably no. Niall is 19 and probably would find it just a little strange to kiss a 12 year old, but, who really knows.

Would Niall Horan kiss an 11 year old fan on the lips?

No, he wouldnt kiss an 11 year old on the lips as that is very young and he would only kiss a girl on the lips if they were dating. He would never take advantage. Hope this helped. From a directioner :D

What year is Niall Horan born on?

Niall Horan was born on the 13th of September of the year 1993 Hope that helped:)

Would Niall Horan date an 10 year old?

No, that's illegal.

Would Niall Horan hug a 7 year old?

He would be glad to hug aseven year old(:

How many sister's does Niall Horan's have?

Niall Horan doesn't have a sister. But he has a 22 year old brother named Greg Horan.

What age is Niall Horan?

It's Niall Horan** and he's 18 and his birthday is September 13 :)

What is the year of Niall Horan B-day?


What year did Niall Horan graduate?

2010 he did at 16