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Hi On a 4.0 scale, which it usually is, 3.0 is a B average and obviously 4.0 is an A average, so 3.7 is a bit better than a B+ average and not quite an A- average. So it's pretty good although probably not likely good enough to get you into Harvard. I understand it's possible, though I no idea how, to get more than a 4.0 average on a 4 point scale. Phil If you take AP of Honor classes they raise your GPA as an incentive. So if you took all AP classes and got all A's you could have something like a 4.5.

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15y ago
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11y ago

It is a very terrible one! Usually on average, students acheive 4.0. It would be very hard to get into top tier schools or even the average accredited schools! Good luck, my dear :-p

Edit: Whoever answered your question first is an idiot that doesn't know anything about high school and can't spell "achieve" correctly. A 4.0 is very hard to get and only a handful of people end their senior years with 4.0+ GPAs, so don't feel bad. 3.77 is good. With good extracurriculars, essays, school club memberships and volunteer hours, you should be able to get into many schools.

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14y ago

3.37 on a 4.0 scale is roughly 83%. The grade is not bad but could be improved upon. Shoot for a 3.5 or higher (approx 88%) and you should be doing well in the GPA aspect of getting into a good college.

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16y ago

Yes my dear, as long as you're happy. Yes my dear, as long as you're happy.

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15y ago

Over here in Oregon 4.0 is the highest acheivable. Which means a 3.7 is great! I would be proud of that.

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14y ago

No it is terrible. The highest achievable is a GPA of 5. Top universities will be looking for a GPA of greater than 4.5

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14y ago

yes that is very good. That is better than an average student GPA 2.0

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Q: Would a 3.67 GPA be a good GPA?
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Your GPA is 8.47 out of 10 is it good or not?

Yes , is would be considered a good GPA. That being said, it also depends on how the specific institution weighs its grades, however, the GPA you indicated would be considered good.Yes , is would be considered a good GPA. That being said, it also depends on how the specific institution weighs its grades, however, the GPA you indicated would be considered good.Yes , is would be considered a good GPA. That being said, it also depends on how the specific institution weighs its grades, however, the GPA you indicated would be considered good.Yes , is would be considered a good GPA. That being said, it also depends on how the specific institution weighs its grades, however, the GPA you indicated would be considered good.Yes , is would be considered a good GPA. That being said, it also depends on how the specific institution weighs its grades, however, the GPA you indicated would be considered good.Yes , is would be considered a good GPA. That being said, it also depends on how the specific institution weighs its grades, however, the GPA you indicated would be considered good.

A GPA of 3.7 is equal to what it good grade?

A 3.7 GPA is equivalent to an A average. A 3.7 GPA is considered an A-.

Is a 3.25 GPA good?

It is OK. It would be C.

What is a 3.67 GPA?

Typically it is a B+ GPA depending on how the school weighs its grading.

Is a 3.083 good or bad GPA?

Considering that a GPA of 4.0 would be the equivalent of 100%, having a GPA of approximately 3.0 as yours is would be similar to having an average of 80% in all courses via the GPA scale. So it is decent and is acceptable. So whether it is "Good or Bad" is subject to your discretion depending on your personal values in excelling.

Can you enter prepharmacy with a GPA of 3.67?

Yes, of course. A GPA of 3.67 is a good solid GPA. Good for you!

Is a 3.19 GPA Good for an accounting major?

A 4.0 GPA is considered an A in college. A 3.2 GPA is rate as a B in college, and is good for a finance major.

What letter grade is GPA of 3.262?

Simple math... (3.61/4.0)x100=90.25% So, your GPA is 90.25%, which is quite good(I have the same one ;P ), but it will be useful, if you could gain at least 4-5% more, it would increase your chances of acceptance :)

Is a 3.0 GPA considered a bad GPA?

No. A 3.0 GPA is a B average. So it is a good GPA

Is 75 100 a good or bad grade as a percentage gpa commutative average?

75 out of 100 is neither a good nor bad percentage. The commutative average as a GPA would be 2.0.

Is .302 GPA good?

A good GPA will depend on the college that you are looking to get into. An average GPA is considered anywhere between 3.0-4.0.

Is a 100.68 weighted GPA good?

If it is based on a 100% scale, yes, it is a good GPA.