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As long as it is not accelerating (going faster and faster, or slower and slower), the forces on the parachute are balanced. Initially, the parachute will accelerate - in this case the forces are unbalanced. It will continue accelerating, until the force of gravitation is balanced by the force of resistance.

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Q: Would a parachute be balanced when it falls?
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Does the material of a parachute affect how it falls?

yes it does

What page number is the scene where katniss falls off the parachute in Mockingjay?

The scene where Katniss falls off the parachute is on page 136 of the book "Mockingjay" by Suzanne Collins.

How will the mass under the parachute effect the way it falls?

by ejaculating

Why a parachute descends slowly where the stone dropped from the same height falls rapidly?

Parachute has more drag (air resistance)

How will punching a hole in a parachute affect the rate at which it falls?

wouldn't the air trapped in the parachute quickly go out, then you will quickly fall until splat on the ground

What are the parachutes for on a rocket?

The parachute of a rocket is used to slow down the rocket when it falls down.

How does a parachute's material affect the speed at which it falls?

it will start to change as the material gets thicker

Explain why a man using a parachute falls through air slowly while a stone falls through air very fast?

When an object falls through air, it experiences air resistance. This air resistance is a force that opposes the object's motion. The amount of air resistance an object experiences depends on the object's shape, size, and speed. A man using a parachute falls slowly because the parachute creates a large amount of air resistance. A stone falls very fast because it has a small amount of air resistance.

Why a person without a parachute falls fast than a person without a parachute falling from same height?

if there is no air then both will take same time.But due to presence of air person who is without parachute will take less time.

How would a parachute open on mars?

A parachute would open ABOVE Mars, just as it would above our planet

What is the apex of a round parachute?

The apex would be the center of the round parachute.

Does increasing the size of the parachute change the speed at which it falls?

the bigger the parachute the slower it falls. but, that is dangerous because it carries more so they try not to make them to big because one gust of wind could blow you a mile to 2 miles off course.