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No, it wouldn't work the matteral is too heavy

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Q: Would an air mattress float if it was blown up with helium?
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Why dont balloons float with human air like when you blow up a balloon it falls to the groud but when helium gets blown into a balloon it floats?

helium is lighter than air

Would an hydrogen balloon float better than a helium one?

Hydrogen is lighter than helium. So hydrogen balloon will float better than helium.

Do football's have helium?

NO! Footballs are not full with helium because if they were they would float up in the sky

What gas does make a balloon float?

That would be Helium

Does helium float or sink?

Helium is light and it will float / rise.

Would a balloon float longer if it had 100 percent helium or half helium and half oxygen?

100% helium

What does helium have in it that makes it float?

Helium is lighter than air. Hence balloons or blimps filled with helium will float.

Why does a helium balloom float in air?

Helium is lighter than air. so balloons filled with helium will float in air

Does a human body float in helium gas?

No, human body doesn't float on helium as it is light.

Which gas is used to fill party balloons?

If you want the balloons to float, you would probably use helium.

Would a helium balloon float on a planet made of hydrogen?

No, because the density oh helium is bigger (x 10).

Does a helium balloon float with anything inside?
