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Q: Would an international school hiring teachers accept a degree from this university?
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Degree in Business Administration from Atlantic International University can be accept by another university for masters?

Degree from Atlantic International University is accredited by Accrediting Commission International (ACI) , therefore many of university that accredit by ACI are accept credit from Atlantic International University (AIU).For more information please go .Thanks

Is herguan university eligible to accept new students?

If you were a local student who do not need an I-20 and OK to get an un-accredited degree from a degree mill, the answer is yes. If you were an international students who need an I-20 and then international student benefits, then the answer is NO. Herguan could not issue I-20s to any new international student.

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One university in Nigeria that offers a degree course in international relations is called National Open University of Nigeria. They also offer degree courses in event planning and business.

Is degree from hill university accepted in uae?

UAE has this international educational city under development right? So I think they would be already prepared to accept international students with credits and degrees from internationally accredited universities. Now if this Hill University has accreditation then it would get accepted.

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She had degree in Elementary Education from the Teachers College, Columbia University.

What was shirley chisholm's education?

degree in Elementary Education from the Teachers College, Columbia University

If you go to an international university and earn a degree can you use your degree in your home country?

It depends on whether the degree and university is recognized within your country. Just because the university is referred to as international, does not necessarily mean it is recognized in your home country, or any other country for that matter.

What university did Michelle kwan go?

She graduated from the University of Denver in 2009 with a degree in international studies.

Why did the Germans kill anyone with a university degree in World War 2?

This is an urban legend. The Nazis did not kill 'anyone with a university degree'. After all, they needed scientists, physicians, teachers.

US universities that accept 2.7 GPA for Masters Degree?

Walden University, wichita state university some programs, and u of phoenix would accept anyone with money

How long do you have to study to be a teacher?

It depends on what sort of teacher you want to be. Many teachers just have a bachelor's degree, which is four years of university. Often, however, teachers will get a better job and more pay if they have a Master's degree or even a PhD degree.